Chapter 204: The Emperor, The Queen, and The Tyrant (Part 1)

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Before the exam

6:04 AM

Lelouch POV

I was on my morning stroll around campus with Suzaku. 

To mentally prepare myself for this exam. 

Finally, I get to battle Ryuen in a proper environment. 

Though I would find it a tough situation since Sakayanagi is also in the mix. 

But that makes it all the more fun for me. 

"Do you even have a strategy for this one Lelouch?" Suzaku asked as we continue our stroll. 

"My dear Suzaku, of course I do. A mere social deduction game is just a game, in which I will win." I replied confidently. 

Though I still do have my lingering doubts after what happened back at the island exam. 

To be honest.

My confidence hasn't been at its fullest yet. 

Even though I know I'm up against Ryuen and Sakayanagi. 

I haven't recovered from my defeat. 

I don't want to let Suzaku or the rest know that I'm still not my usual self. 

Get it together Lelouch. 

I've been through worse than this. 

I've encountered losses before. 

But this one.

It just feels different. 


Is it because it's my first real loss in a very long time? 

Or is it the fact that I'm up against opponents who even for me thought of as beyond comprehension. 

Artificial geniuses. 


But not impossible. 

Kiyotaka is living proof of that. 

I knew something was up with him the moment I laid eyes on him. 

To think that he was a guinea pig for some inhumane experiment. 

Though I have no care in the world for such trivial things.

It fascinates me that someone is capable of putting children through such extremes to become geniuses that are on par and maybe beyond students from high school and even college. 

Though I wouldn't get my redemption in this exam.

Maybe battling Ryuen will bring my confidence back. 


Speak of the devil.

"It's been a while, Lelouch." 

"Likewise Magenta boy." 

It has been a while since I stared down at Ryuen himself. 

Feels nostalgic. 

Ever since I met him on the 2nd day of school. 

I find him entertaining as an opponent. 

Though based on recent events...

"Walking your dog, I see." Ryuen said mockingly. 

Suzaku gave a stern look.

But I remained calm. 

Class S: The Warring period (3rd year saga)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ