Chapter 270: Invasion

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Minutes after leaving the auditorium. 

3rd person POV

Kazami, Hiyori, and Tsubaki are now far away from the place before any back up has arrived for the 1st years. 

Tsubaki: We made it far enough. 

Hiyori: Yeah...

Kazami: What about those two?

Tsubaki: Ohh they'll be fine. Those two have been through worse than this. 

Kazami: So, what now?

Tsubaki: You two go back to base now and don't speak of about what went down there. 

Hiyori: Why not? I think the others need to be aware of this. 

Tsubaki: Did you forget what I said? Any info regarding Ayanokouji-senpai that you guys will be aware of means you're all doomed. We have to make it look like it was some isolated incident. We're not involving you guys until Ayanokouji-senpai makes the call. Got that?

Hiyori: I understand, but still, I do want to help Ayanokouji-kun in any way I can. 

Tsubaki: You can help by not talking about this incident. Go back to the school or else. I'll escort you two just in case since Amasawa hasn't said a word yet. 




School storehouse

Yamato who was sitting in one of the boxes as Miya walks up to him. 

Miya: What's the next move now? If Ayanokouji-senpai continues forcing us into a corner. An all-out attack could happen from the Wei kingdom. Not only that. Our territories have dwindled a bit. That fight in the auditorium was a diversion and now it's occupied by the 3rd years. They are getting dangerously close. 

Yamato: Are you sure about that? 

Miya: Hmm?

Yamato: Miya, we didn't come to this school to be unprepared. You should know that by now. 

Miya: Then let me ask this question. What order did you give to Kenji-kun? 

Yamato only smirked. 

Miya caught on and immediately realized the possible order he already mentioned. 

Yamato: We might not even need the perk for tomorrow. However, if they do survive somehow...they'd wish that they didn't.




School complex

Kenji along with Shinryuu, Utomiya, Ishigami, and Hosen are all in front of the school building along with a mix of 1st years and 2nd years. 

Kenji had a megaphone with him as all of the 3rd years have their attention on them.

The first major person to meet them face to face was Ryuen and his old classmates.

Ryuen: Wasn't expecting a bunch of people to arrive here all at once. 

Kenji: It's not everyone but this is enough to deal with all of you at once. A certain 3rd year has caused enough trouble in the last 2 days. Might as well finish this soon

Ryuen: I see what's going on. You guys really are trying to take this place by force. But I'll tell you now. You won't find our base here. 

Kenji: Sorry, but I don't think lying will save you. It's clear that this is the only place left where your base likely is but don't worry. We won't take it. We're simply here to lower the threat even more. Yamato-dono already has done enough to Kururugi-senpai and Lelouch-senpai. We're not here for you weaklings. 

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