Chapter 190: Potential

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That same night

Haru POV

"Gentlemen, say hello to our new trusted ally." I said as I introduced her here.

"Ohh? this is the girl who managed to do well in the Flash Mental Arithmetic?" Hashimoto asked.

"Matsushita Chiaki." Tadashi said as to give a simple introduction. 

"So, these guys are formerly with Sakayanagi, right?" she asked. 

"Correct, she may not be much but she's actually quite intelligent. In fact, she's been holding back the entire time." I explained. 

"Holding back, you say?" Byakuya said.

 "Yes, actually I've known her true abilities the entire time. Why she chose to hold back is still a mystery to me though, but I have a plain and simple answer for that."

"And that is?" 

"You don't want to grab people's attention. I bet like me; you purposefully get an average score rather than a high one. That too is the same with the first quiz we had in this school. She was holding back like me at the time." I said.

"In short, she's more useful than we realized." Tadashi spoke. 

"I knew that all I have to do was convince her that Horikita isn't as strong of a leader as she believed. That the entire time, I was the true leader of that class and how you may ask? I simply asserted my dominance. Instill this in their tiny brains that I am the most superior. That their only salvation is through me." 

"What about that Karuizawa girl? you said she's also on your side now." Hashimoto said with curiosity. 

"Yes, but I chose not to involve her in our meetings." I replied.

"Why not?" Byakuya asked.

"She's afraid of me. Because like everyone else, I know her secret thanks to Kushida." 

"What kind of secrets?" 

"Is it alright if I tell? but she probably kept it for herself even to her friends." I stated while looking at Matsushita. 

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed but do you really need to have someone like Kushida on your side?" she asked.

"I never really liked her, but her social skills and gathering the secrets of others is a useful tool for me to exploit. Just like how I personally exploited Karuizawa's sadness as a weapon."

"What do you mean?" 

"Matsushita, did you know that her ex was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka himself?" I said nonchalantly while looking at Matsushita. 

"Ayanokouji-kun!? you mean she dated him?!" she was surprised. 

Guess this means Karuizawa has kept this from the others. 

At least until I knew about it myself. 

"That's right though they did break up just a few months back. Which is why because of that, I managed to manipulate her own feelings. Use her sadness to make her my tool." I explained.

"That's a little too far but why'd you do it?" Matsushita asked. 


Before the final exam of the 2nd year

3rd person POV

Karuizawa: What do you want from me Daigo? 

Haru: I know you two broke up. 

Karuizawa: Huh?! how would you know that?! 

Haru: Your face says it all. In fact, your showing signs of depression even as we speak.

Class S: The Warring period (3rd year saga)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat