Chapter 257: Hachiman Hikigaya vs Kyo Ishigami/Kakeru Ryuen vs Riku Utomiya

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3rd person POV

Class C is now being confronted by Ishigami and Utomiya. 

Ryuen: Coming to attack us now? I thought your leaders are gonna play scared or something. 

Utomiya: It would be boring if we let you guys keep a few spots already. 

Ishigami: Might as well just surrender your spot to us if possible. Of course, we do have to follow the rules of beating you people to take your territory. 

Ryuen: I'd like to see you try. 

Ishigami then steps forward. 

He then confronts Hachiman face to face.

Hachiman: What do you want?

Ishigami: You're the one that made an enemy out of Chisaka-san during the exam in Osaka. 

Hachiman: So, what?

Ishigami: You're choosing to challenge the wrong people Hikigaya-senpai. 

Hachiman: I've made some regrettable decisions in my life. However, I won't regret kicking your sorry ass. 

Ishigami:'re not afraid to battle us? 

Hachiman: Who says anything about being afraid? 

Kanzaki: You sure you want to do this? Ishigami Kyo isn't someone you want to casually battle. He's a genius from where he's from. I cannot guarantee you can beat him.

Hachiman: So, what if he's a genius? Don't you have any trust in me, Ryuji?

Kanzaki: I...okay but if you even think about losing. 

Hachiman: I won't lose to this guy. 

Ishigami: It's settled then. How about we make a best of 3 event, but we battle at the same time.

Ryuen: How does that work?

Ishigami: It's simple. Utomiya and I will battle one of you in whichever event we both choose for our specific opponent. We all battle at the same time. If the Wei kingdom wins two of those events, then we leave. In contrast, if the Shu kingdom wins all two events, you lose your spot. 

Hachiman: What if both kingdoms get a win?

Utomiya: The winner of both kingdoms will battle for a 3rd and final event. 

Hachiman: I see.

Just then, Utomiya suddenly steps forward towards Ryuen.

Ryuen: Hmm?

Utomiya: Don't think I've forgotten that you're the one who drove me out of taking a checkpoint in the island exam. 

Ryuen: Sorry, but I don't recall dealing with a loser like you. 

Utomiya: Such taunts won't work on me. Don't act so proud for someone who can't defeat one of our comrades. 

Ryuen: Don't underestimate me punk. I can kick your ass right now. Go ahead, make it a fighting event. I'll finish you off you no problem.

Utomiya: Arrogant idiot. 

Ishigami: Well then, shall we start? 

He then stares at Hachiman.

Ishigami: Are you okay with battling Ryuen-senpai? 

Utomiya: I'm fine with it. 

Ishigami: Okay then, I'll leave it to you. For this event, it's simple. It will be a fighting event. Ryuen vs Utomiya, only one objective is needed for this event. Knock your opponent unconscious, and you're the winner. 

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