Chapter 183: The Devil Unleashed

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8th day

3rd person POV

In front of the kouhais was the Devil himself. 

2nd most dangerous person in this entire Island. 

Daigo Haru. 

Haru was still holding on to Hideki's head that was on the ground. 

His eyes filled a voracious appetite for chaos. 

Haru: I noticed you have a scythe there. That's pretty interesting. Made it yourself? 

Hideki didn't reply as suddenly Haru slammed his head to the ground again. 

Haru: I said did you make that thing?!?!

Haru lifted Hideki's head in order to get a straight answer from him. 

Hideki: I did. I did make it. 

Haru: I can tell you're quite good at making garbage.

Hideki: Garbage!? that is a piece of art mind you! 

Haru: I'm just kidding but you know what I'm not kidding about? 

Haru got closer to Hideki's ear and spoke. 

Haru: Your eventual doom.

Hideki's eyes grew wide as Haru begins to lift Hideki up and lands a powerful knee at his adversary. 

He then grabbed Hideki by the hair and landed a strong right hook to his face. 

It knocked Hideki to the ground. 

Haru then looked around as the kouhais could do nothing but cower before the overwhelming strength of Haru. 

Haru: What's wrong? are you punks afraid to shoot me? I know one of you has a black bullet. 

They were now shaking as they became too afraid to even make a move. 

Haru just smirked and spoke.

Haru: Alright, then just to make sure no one interrupts our fight. 




Shinomiya Kei POV


My head hurts. 

How long was I out for? 

Before I could even answer that myself. 

I managed to move my head around to see what's been going on. 

My eyes suddenly grew wide as a number of probably unconscious students were on the ground. 

"What in that hell?" I muttered. 

I sat up and saw that the flames were still there but it's slowly getting weak. 

Huh? it's raining.

"Kei you alright?"


That voice.


"Yeah, it's me. You okay?" he held out a hand as he helped me up. 

"I'm fine but what the hell just happened?" I asked.

Suzaku-san suddenly wore a serious expression as he looked to a certain direction. 

I looked to where he was staring at as a familiar figure was there with his back turned on us. 

I also suddenly noticed someone else who was on the ground. 

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