Chapter 260: Even Match (1st day aftermath)

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School complex

5:58 PM

3rd person POV

Kei (Shinomiya): Seriously, how long are you just going to stay in this base? 

Koenji: As long as I want. I told you, those kouhais are your problem.

Sakuta: He's as stubborn as they come.

Oreki: Obviously.

Koenji: You boys act like I haven't done anything.

Kei: That's because you don't!!

Koenji: Don't worry, I'll move if I'm in the mood.

Kei: (Man I really hate this guy.)

Sakuta: I really don't get it.

Koenji: Hmm?

Sakuta: I don't know why for someone who thinks they're better than everyone just sits there and does nothing. 

Koenji: You can't comprehend my intentions Sakuta-boy. You have yet to understand the perfection that is in front of you. 

Oreki: (I'm already bored with this guy.)

Kei: Perfection my ass. You think just because you're "perfect" means you can beat anyone? Don't talk so high and mighty. You'll never beat Class S with the people we have there. 

Koenji: I recall beating you in a tug of war during 2nd island exam. 

Kei: Tch!

Koenji: Besides, I don't need to act now because there's already a certain someone taking advantage as we speak. *Smirk*




Haru POV

"Man, so boring." I said as I stepped on one of the heads of the unconscious kouhais. 

The area of this base is a bit far from the school area, since this is of course the special annex building. 

I already set up my counterattack knowing that the 6th generation are going to do something about it. 

That's already 5 bases we took once again.

No doubt that they're going to try and retake it but given that the 2nd years so far are the ones to attack us first. 

Makes me think that the top 3 of the 6th are yet to make an impact on the exam. 

"Don't you think it's dangerous to stay where we could likely have enemies barreling down towards us?" 

3rd person POV

The person who asked that question was Kazuto. 

Haru: That's fine, I'm going to hold them off anyway. 

Asuna: Why bring us here in the first place then if you can handle things yourself? 

Haru: I wanted insurance. 

Kazuto: We're not here to be your pawns you know. We're on the same team, so treat us like we are your teammates. 

Haru: Kiyotaka told me I can borrow anyone from Class S if I so choose. Didn't you two get a bit of training from Kiyotaka himself so that you can defend yourselves? 

Kazuto: Yes, what of it?

Haru: I'm sure by the time I leave right now. You guys can hold down the fort for me. 

Kazuto: You're just going to leave us here!? 

Haru: You learned some skills from Kiyotaka, right? So, of course I'm leaving. You both can handle it.

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