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                               MEANS DISCLOSURE 



"Where the fuck were you?"

Avinaash asked as soon as I entered in my cabin. He is the private investigator working for me but he doesn't think that. According to him, I need him more than he needs me. So, there is no boss and employee relationship between us and frankly I don't have any problem with that. I consider him my friend and he is a good person.

" Hello to you too" I said raising my eyebrows. " I had a lunch meeting with my client"

I moved towards my chair and took off my blazer and put it behind the chair. Folding my shirts sleeves and sitting on the chair I asked 

"So, what did you find?"

"Something serious and important which can help to lead on with the case." He said looking at me." And now, I also think that your wife's death wasn't natural but a planned murder.

" Who did it? Tell me the name of the bastard?" I asked furiously standing on my feet.

" Calm down yarr, relax. I don't know it yet, but the evidence I found can help us to reach him or her. I can't say anything now."

I sat down on the chair controlling my anger and asked, " What did you find?"

"Okay so, I started with to find something about that doctor who faked all the reports and was giving wrong medicines to your wife and dealt with your wife's pregnancy for two trimesters. So I called at the hospital where she was working and found that she had resigned the job exactly three years back after your wife's case. " he said while looking in the file that he bought with him.

He forwarded the file towards me. I looked in the file and analyse the information and asked " How the hell is this possible?"

"Exactly, the point." nodding he continued further " If she resigned from her job three years back and didn't apply anywhere how the hell, she's getting funds to travel different countries around the world. Not only this, but she is also enjoying her fucking vacation in five-star hotels."

Turning the page of the file he said " Check yourself, all the places she visited from last three years. California, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, France, Spain, Greece and the list goes on." He turned to the next page of file and continued " Not only this but also a regular transaction of one lakh rupees is made to her account after every two months on the same fucking date." 

"So, does it confirm anything? That there might be something she is hiding, and most probably related to the case." I asked shockingly.

" There is a strong possibility of that because the transaction in her account is made from India, irrespective of the place she is at." He completed relaxing his back on the chair.

"So, now what, what do we do ahead?" I asked asking about his plan.

"Now we need to reach her as soon as we can because if she knows anything, she can take us to the killer of your wife." he said and I closed my eyes listening to this, that how much I failed as a husband, how I couldn't protect her. I curse myself for every breath I am taking without her, everyday living without her.

"Killer of my wife" I asked raising an eyebrow." How are you so sure that she isn't the one herself. Besides who else will try to kill her. Everyone knows how much I love her. Sure, I have business rivals but nothing personal with them and also Aarohi used to stay away from my business world."

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