Chapter Forty-Three

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Grandpa only smiled, sighing and looking distant. "I know but still. It's always painful to know that sometimes you can't trust even your own people."

Carmen had no idea what was going on. Who was "her"? Who were they talking about? And why did he say he couldn't trust his own people? Was he referring to his family? Was that the reason that he...

Before her thoughts could race in different directions, a voice next to her brought her back to reality. "Follow me, Carmen. It's been a while since someone new has visited her. I have a feeling she will like you."

Carmen nodded, her curiosity now more heightened than ever.

Dr Mitchell led them upstairs and to one of the rooms at the end of the corridor. However, instead of opening the door and heading right in, she paused and turned around. "I'll be right here if you need me."

Grandpa nodded gratefully before taking a deep breath and reaching for the doorknob.

By this moment, Carmen was trembling with the need to know what was going on. Absolutely overwhelmed. Hence, when Grandpa finally opened the door, revealing a dimly lit room, she was more than ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The door closed behind her with a soft smack, and what Carmen saw in front of her took a small breath out of her.

Her brows furrowed as she took in the sight of the bedroom, which seemed more like a private ward in a hospital. The room was filled with machines and screens, all monitoring the patient's vitals, creating a constant beeping sound that echoed in the space. The distinct smell of medicines and sanitizers lingered in the air, making her feel a bit queasy inside.

But, of course, these were only the small details that bothered Carmen in the back of her head, what she couldn't look away from was the patient on the bed, her eyes closed as she lay peacefully with little faint scars on her face.

Carmen bit her lip, looking around the room, as if to rearrange her thoughts, before finding herself drawn back to the girl. The girl had to be in her thirties. But the question was who was she? And what happened to her? And what did she have to do with Grandpa's proposal?

Grandpa Edgar sat down on the chair next to the bed. He put his cane aside, leaning it against the wall before patting the girl's head, as if that would be enough to wake her up.

But she never woke up, no matter how long he caressed her hair, and for some reason, the thought pained Carmen.

"What's wrong with her?" She couldn't help but ask, as she dared not to move away from the door.

For a long minute, her question remained unanswered, hanging in the space between them while he kept his gaze nailed on the girl. It was as if his mind was elsewhere; as if he needed a little more time to not show the emotions that were clearly glistening in his old eyes.

Carmen didn't push—deciding, he would tell her when he would be comfortable enough.

And she was right.

After a moment of pure silence, he drew his hand away from her and leaned back in the chair, fingers tapping on the handrest.

"You haven't recognized her, have you?" he asked calmly, sounding sure that she hadn't. "Look closely, Carmen. There is no way you don't know her."

Carmen fiddled with the hem of her sweater, which had now started to feel uncomfortable, considering the drastic change in the weather. She felt like she should peel it off herself, but her mind was stuck with what he had said. He was right. The girl on the bed did look familiar, and Carmen couldn't shake the feeling that she knew her from somewhere. But where and how?

Taking a step closer, Carmen approached the girl's bedside until she stood on the other side, her arms wrapped around herself for comfort. She observed the paleness of the girl's skin, her eyes tightly shut, and the shadows beneath them. Her dark hair was combed back, and it seemed to have been braided earlier.

It was evident that whoever she was, she was well taken care of. But the question remained—who was she?

"Not in person, perhaps," Grandpa said with a tinge of sorrow. "But I can understand why it would be difficult to recognize her anyway. She looks different like this, doesn't she? The life that she was so full of once upon a time, a tragic incident stole it away from her."

Carmen's curiosity grew, and she had to know more. "What happened?"

This time, Grandpa didn't withhold the information but chose his words carefully. "A cruelty that is unforgivable."

"How long has she been like this?" Carmen asked, her heart aching for the girl on the bed.

"Almost three years," he replied solemnly.

As the realization started to dawn on Carmen, her eyes widened, and she couldn't help but put the pieces together. "Wait. She can't be..."

Before she could finish her thought, Grandpa cut her off, leaning forward and holding the girl's hand. "Yes, Carmen. Meet Willow Logan. My one and only granddaughter."

A/N: Plot twist, right there :P

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

A/N: Plot twist, right there :P

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