𓃬Savanaclaw ~ Chapter 15𓃬

Start from the beginning

''I have an idea. First...'' Riddle was about to announce his idea but was stopped by Jack.

''Wait.'' Jack crossed his arms. ''I just shared information with you, I've no intention of teaming up.''

''Eh! You're saying that now?'' Cater complained.

''I'm going to take them down myself, see ya.'' Jack turned around and was about to leave.

''So, you're just going to run away?'' Alerie said and looked disappointed at Jack.

''!!!'' The Ramshackle and Heartslabyul duo knew what was coming now, Riddle and Cater too for that matter.

''How did she survive at this school this long?'' Ace mumbled to the boys beside him.

''I-It's back... Ari's blunt insight...'' Grim sweat dropped.

''Hah? I'm not running away.'' Jack sounded annoyed at her accusation.

''And how pray tell will you stop an entire dorm by yourself?'' Alerie crossed her arms and looked at Jack with a glare.

''I... I don't have a plan yet... But...'' Jack stumbled upon his words while scratching the back of his head.

Alerie took a deep breath to calm herself and stood in front of Jack who was towering her. ''Listen, you haven't been able to stop any of the incidents so far on your own... and neither have I...'' she paused at her own disappointment.

''I understand that you want to solve this by yourself but sometimes you need swallow your pride and let others help you. I also prefer doing things by myself and in my own way but... that is not always the right answer.''

Alerie glanced at her first-year friends for a second and turned back to facing Jack.

''Lately, I've learned that teaming up with others doesn't do any harm. You don't have to trust us but we all have a common goal; to stop these incidents and catch Leona and Ruggie red-handed.''

Jack was surprised by her statement and pondered about what to do.

''And isn't there a saying something like 'There's strength in numbers' or 'Wolves hunts as a pack' or whatever?'' Raelin hoped she had convinced Jack to join them.

''... Fine, I'll hear you out.'' Jack hesitantly agreed. ''But if I don't like your plan, I'm out.''

''It's a deal.'' Alerie smiled.

''Very well, then let's continue with what I was saying earlier.'' Riddle started to explain his plan. ''First, we need to inform the Diasomnia students of our plan.''

''Why not let Ari handle that? She seemed all buddy-buddy with Lilia-senpai.'' Ace suggested.

''I can do that. If I can't get ahold of Lilia, I'll find Silver.''

''Who is Silver?'' Grim asked.

''You know Silver, Alerie-chan?'' Cater also asked.

''Yes, he helped me with carrying some heavy books a while back and gave me his number in case I need more help with heavy lifting.''

''Great. I'll leave that to you Alerie.'' Riddle said.

''Good! Now let's hear your plan, Riddle.''

Riddle started to explain his plan for the upcoming tournament.

Bonus scene

Alerie's POV.

Diasomnia Dorm

I stood in front of the Mirror that led to the Diasomnia dorm and waited for Silver who was nice to escort me to the Diasomnia dorm.

As the other Mirrors are dedicated for each of the Seven, the Diasomnia is dedicated to the Witch of Thorns.

It is said that she was able to turn into a dragon, which must be why there's dragon wings on each side of the Mirror and the lower part of it is surrounded by thorns. And lastly the crest above the Mirror depicted her dragon form.

As I took in all the design in the Mirror's surface, it started to bounce like when a drop falls into water and a silver-haired male in Diasomnia's dorm uniform appeared.

''Silver.'' I greeted with a smile.

But what I didn't expect Silver wasn't alone. Another student with light-green hair appeared behind Silver.

I recognized him, as I always saw these two together and not to mention the time in the cafeteria when Lilia approached us.

''Hello, miss Alerie. I'm sorry if you waited too long.'' Silver apologized.

''It's fine, I didn't wait that long. And... uhm...'' I looked at the green-haired.

I was a little curious of who he was because now that I saw him from close, I felt some kind of kinship with him.

''I'm Sebek Zigvolt, the loyal servant of the Young Master.'' he said proudly. ''Let's get going we wouldn't want Young Master to wait any longer.''

We walked through the Mirror. The dorm represented a dark castle with thorns surrounding it.

''Welcome, Alerie. Please have a seat.'' Lilia appeared and welcomed me.

''Thanks for letting me come, Lilia.''

I turned to the couch only to see a familiar figure sitting at the armchair besides it.

''Child of Man. Lilia said that you had something urgent to discuss with him regarding the dorm. So, I thought that it wouldn't be any problem if I joined too.''

''Tsu- You're...'' I tried to speak but was to shocked to even say something.

''This our dorm leader, Malleus Draconia.'' Lilia introduced.

''So, you were Malleus all along?'' I said with a hint of accusation.

''I am, but even now that you know my name, you don't seem to be afraid of me.''

''N-No, I don't see a reason to be so.''

''Please, sit down and have some tea while you tell us what you wanted to discuss.''

And with that I proceeded to explain the situation to the four Diasomnia students. After Sebek's declaration of war which was stopped by Silver, Malleus and Lilia agreed with Riddle's plan.

''Thank you, for the tea, but I'll have to go know. I still have things to prepare before the Magift Tournament. Goodbye.'' 

Word count: 1431

To be continued

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