Start from the beginning

"This could actually, work. Tina your in charge. You could set up the photo shoots. Everybody else, pick your months and work on your concepts." Finn shared, although when he did, Caroline nervously laughed "whoa, whoa, Finn? Finn, wait, okay? Let's circle on back to uh my sophomore year where when on all these glee club girls started over sexualizing you and Sam. Where one, Sam was in those gold shorts trying to play rocky in rocky horror where I almost saw his entire business! And then you, almost got expelled because you showed the whole what you look like with just your underwear on." she shared, as Finn shrugged "yeah, but Caroline this is different and we need the money." Finn told her and when he did, Caroline stared at him, picking up her book bag she stood up and walked out.

The next day, Caroline was standing with Blaine at his locker "please, tell me you're not actually gonna take those photos? I mean their sexualizing all of you! I mean, what would you guys do if I took pictures of myself dressed like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera specifically from  burlesque or as a girl from Baywatch!" she voiced, and when she did Blaine looked at her with furrowed brows "we'd all tell you that you shouldn't be selling your body." he told her "exactly! So, why are you all doing that to yourselves! And especially Sam, I mean I already had this battle with him before yet now I think after the whole stripper thing he's kind of lost.." Caroline was telling him, as her eyes diverted from him to Sam walking in with uggs on, swim shorts and not shirt and sunglasses on.

"Oh my god." Caroline said as Blaine shut his locker, the two walked up to Sam "Sam. What are you doing? It's January." Blaine told him "what do you mean? It's hot out there, you know? Sun's out. It's way above freezing." Sam told them "are you on drugs? Please, tell me you are. Or happened to uh, I don't know be turned into a vampire because what the hell are you doing?" Caroline asked him, as Sam took his sunglasses off and looked at her "well, uh..Caroline last time I checked your not my girlfriend anymore, so I don't really care what you have to say or have to tell you reasons I do things either." he shared.

Causing Caroline to furrow her brows "whoa, um! Why are you snapping at me, I'm just trying to see if you're okay!" she voiced "well, stop, okay? I don't want your help! If anyone need's help it's you, with how you jump from guy to guy? Or oh I don't know, how you died your hair and literally destroyed half of the bands musical instruments and basically treated everyone like crap after we lost sectionals and yeah, I say we because you like to act when something happens that it's not a team effort! I mean the Caroline I knew would have never done that!" Sam voiced.

As Blaine spoke up "hey, leave her alone! Just because you tanked your SAT's doesn't mean you have to take it out on her. There are retests." he told him "you know what dude, if you choose to be jealous of my hard core rocking bod that's on you. And so is the fact that we've all seen you staring at her and if you really wanna go for it, I'm sure just like she let Sebastian kiss her when we were getting back together, she'll gladly let you kiss her, too." Sam told him, and when did Blaine just stared at him, as Caroline glared at him, as she stepped towards him, she swung her fist and punched him square in the face, and as he fell to the floor, everyone around them gasped, while Caroline turned around "I'll see you around Blaine." she told him, walking down the hallway, in which Blaine turned around and watched her go, he then turned back to Sam who was getting back up.

Having been skipping glee club, Caroline wasn't wanting to get into the whole sexualizing of the glee guys thing, but that didn't stop her from wanting to ruin it and it seemed she wasn't the only one because Sue Sylvester had asked her to her office, as Caroline arrived she furrowed her brows "you wanted to see me?" she asked her "yes, sit down." Sue told her, Caroline walked over and sat on the chair in front of her desk "as you know I have my ways of finding out what's going on in these halls and one of the things I found was that you aren't into that whole smut colander your brother is gonna be peddling around. Which is why, I am giving you an assistant. Becky!" Sue voiced.

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