"Sleepover?" Sugar asked "tomorrow night, my place. Just us girls." Kitty shared "can I come?" Wade asked, as Marley who just was one of the background dancers spoke up "I'm not going if Unique's not invited." she shared, in which Caroline crossed her arms "and if your trying to make, real friends, then that usually involves inviting everyone." she shared "ladyboy can come. But if I catch you hiding your dinky between your legs and prancing around like silence of the lambs, you're out." Kitty shared, as Caroline rolled her eyes and walked off.

And that next night, instead of going to Kitty's slumber party, which only fumed Kitty to sink her claws into Marley instead of her, Caroline had bought five pregnancy tests, in which she snuck them into her room without her mom or dad noticing, she went into the bathroom in her room and took each and every one of them and now was just waiting for the results as she paced in her bathroom, she then turned and looked at them all and when she saw the results she let out a breath she had been holding in.

Soon it was time for the show, and as Caroline put her costume on, it still wouldn't fit "oh, you've gotta be kidding me." she told herself, turning and running to find Tina, which she did "Tina, it's still not fitting and I took five pregnancy tests yesterday and they all came back negative so I still don't understand why it's not fitting." she shared "how could have gained two inches in one day?" Tina asked "I didn't!" Caroline voiced "maybe we can hot glue an elastic band on." Tina shared as she turned and walked off.

"Don't worry." Kitty spoke up as Caroline turned to her "we're gonna get those two inches off you before curtain. Scout's honor." Kitty told her, holding up her two fingers, but when she did, Caroline shook her head "leave me alone." she told her, turning and running off and when she did, she quickly grabbed her bag, grabbing the other pregnancy test she bought incase this happened, although she didn't see Ryder watching her.

Sitting on the floor, Caroline was crying, cause the test still turned up negative and she had been trying to make herself throw up but her mind was telling her not to do it after what happened to her freshman year when Santana gave ipecac causing her to throw up blood when Sue wanted her to lose weight, and unknowing to her Ryder had walked in "Caroline?" he asked, and when he heard her crying, he started pushing open every stall door until he opened one of them finding her on the floor "hey, hey. What are you doing?" he asked her "nothing. Okay! I didn't stick my fingers down my throat like Kitty suggested, okay?" she asked him, standing up and walking out of the stall.

"And don't worry either because I'm not some knocked up pregnant girl either." she told him, throwing the pregnancy test in the garbage can, and turning to wash her hands in the sink "believe me I've dealt with cheerleaders tricking me into losing weight and I ended up in the hospital, I'm not stupid." she shared, finishing washing her hands as she turned to dry them off "well, I've never exactly been one to believe rumors." Ryder told her as he stepped toward's her "and no matter what size you were, I'd still wanna kiss a girl like you. Either on stage..or after." he told her, and when he did, Caroline raised her brows in surprise "now, come on. We're on in five." Ryder told her, putting his hands on her shoulders as he turned walking out.

And as he did, Caroline turned around and looked at herself in the mirror as she started singing.

"Look at me, there has to be

Something more than what they see
Wholesome and pure
Oh so scared and unsure
A poor man's Sandra Dee."

She then wiped her tears as she turned walking out of the bathroom and back onto backstage.

"Sandy, you must start anew
Don't you know what you must do?
Hold your head high
Take a deep breath and sigh
Goodbye to Sandra Dee."

Who will I be, Jesse St JamesWhere stories live. Discover now