Chapter Fifty-Two : Sibling Rivalry

Start from the beginning

"Just lay off it, Megan. She wouldn't leave any clue she doesn't want being found" Hazel snapped without looking away from the window.

"Yes, I know that, Hazel, I'm trying to find out what she wanted us to know" Megan replied, clearly showing Hazel that she'd done a number on her patience.

"Whatever" Hazel retorted. God, had I really spent enough time with her to get her to say whatever? Ugh...

"Sorry, again, Grace" Megan sighed deeply and threw an apologetic smile at me through the rear view mirror. "I'll stop interrogating you, so feel free to listen to your music now. I'll just give you a heads up that Jamine is home and I'll be dropping you and Hazel off at our house. I have to go out for an hour or two. If you need a ride home Jamine can drive or Hazel can if you'd prefer" I scowled. Jamine looked like a five year old, how would she be allowed to drive "she is a shape shifter. Fairies like her can do that kind of stuff"

"Ah" I nodded a little shamefully. It's like that conversation you have where you're like 'wait... Gay people exist?' Or something like that and you have absolutely no clue about it but you know it's a thing. I mean, it must be different for people like Hazel in this situation, in the same way a person with non-cis gender or queer parents or family to learn about that stuff but I am neither. I do, however, still feel a tiny bit like an idiot right now.

"Here" Megan declared as we pulled into her driveway. Hazel was the first to leave the car, and Megan stopped me before I could chase after her. "Grace?" She called. I looked over at her, meeting her eyes. She opened her mouth and closed it a few times before smiling a little and deciding on her dialogue. "Be careful, okay?" I merely nodded, having no clue what she was talking about.

"Kay" I smiled back cluelessly before running out of the car in an attempt to catch my 'favorite' demoness. She was waiting for me in the foyer.

"You know where the basement is" she pursed her lips, gesturing to the basement's door. "I'll be down in a second"

"Kay..." I muttered, more to myself than to her since she was already walking away.

I tried to be as not-touching-anything as possible on the way to the basement, and once there, stood around and waited for Hazel to give me permission to sit somewhere. What? It's not because she rules my life. I just don't want to aggravate her any more than she already is.

Hazel appeared at the bottom of the stairs a moment later, a cup of some delicious scented steaming liquid in her hands. I recognized the smell as jasmine tea. I'd say Hazel had something of a liking towards that particular drink.

"Sit" she sighed, making herself comfortable, laying on her stomach on one of the huge bean bag seats I recognized from my last visit. I was cautious in taking my seat on another, painfully aware of Hazel's burning gaze following me.

"The way the Night School has a program for people like me, which is aimed to teach us to control ourselves and to carry out whatever orders the higher offices give us. How this program works, in cases like mine, is that we're put into an ongoing class meant to test us in every way the school believes to be of importance" she began. I had no idea why it was relevant, but answers were answers with Hazel, and I'd take anything. That and I learned better than to piss her off by interrupting her tangents.

"Megan, Alexa, and I began our parts in it when we were around four years of age. Megan was removed from it when she was four and a half, while Alexa and I made it through to our tenth birthday before our situation became more complicated.

Winter met us as our humane treatment advisor during our transfer into the Academy, honestly I only got that far by letting Alexa have control over me. You know the brief story of her so I will not repeat. When Alexa killed her I started having my first independent thoughts.

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