Start from the beginning

"Hey!" Caroline voiced "yeah, whoa, whoa. Hell to the nah." Mercedes said as well as the guy at the piano stopped playing "first, you try to bust my face again, and I will cut you." Mercedes told her "yeah! And for someone who says they've been dancing they were three? It seems you don't know your right from your left seeing as you keep bumping into me! And I'm pretty sure the last one was on purpose and also! You spun in front of Artie!" she voiced to Rachel, who had crossed her arms at Caroline and Mercedes yelling, as Caroline then looked to Mr Schuester "which also could be because this choreography is terrible for the amount of kids we have in the club and don't even get me started on the song because this song is.." she was saying as Mercedes interrupted her "terrible." she said, as she also looked at Mr Schuester.

"Okay, no, no. It's not the song. You guys need to get into it." Mr Schuester told them "no, it's the song. It's really gay." Kurt mentioned "we need modern music, Mr Schue." Artie informed him "I'm sorry, guys. we don't have time to discuss this. We're doing the song this Friday night at the pep assembly." Mr Schuester shared "in front of the whole school?" Tina asked "exactly." Mr Schuester told her as Caroline furrowed her brows "no, no, I don't think she meant that in a excited tone," she told him, chuckling "I think she meant it like we're gonna get things thrown at our heads!" she voiced "yeah, and I just had a facial." Kurt mentioned "I'll press charges if that happens." Rachel told them.

"Guys. I can't express how important this assembly is. We need recruits. There are six of you. We need twelve to qualify for regionals. We have no choice, or the club is over. Look, I know you guys don't like this song, but we took nationals back in 93 with freak out. It's a crowd pleaser. Trust me. From the top." Mr Schuester told them, clapping his hands and turning around "crowd pleaser for that time." Caroline mumbled, turning on her heel and getting back into place although when she did, Mercedes stepped towards her "if she bumps into you again, push her to the floor and I'll help you take her down." she told her, chuckling making Caroline chuckle.

The next day, they were all back in the choir room as Kurt was standing in front of Mercedes and Caroline "you two need to call me before you dress yourselves." Kurt told them "whatever. Whatever." Mercedes told them "what's wrong with my outfit?" Caroline asked "you look like technicolor zebra." Kurt told Mercedes as he looked to Caroline "the low pony with the striped shirt with a collar popping out of it? You're fifteen not forty." he informed her as Caroline furrowed her brows "my mom helps me buy my clothes, okay." she told him "then I'm gonna need to take over for her cause this," he told her motioning up and down "won't do." he added on.

"Hey, guys. How about a little Kanye?" Mr Schuester asked as he walked into the choir room with sheet music as they all turned to him, they all gasped "sweet!" Kurt voiced, as they all walked over to stand together "for the assembly?" Mercedes asked "no. We won't be ready in time." Mr Schuester shared, handing the sheet music out to Finn and Rachel "we're still doing disco." he added on, handing one to Tina "but we can fold this into our repertoire. And it'll be awesome." he told them, handing one's to Artie and Kurt "at regionals." he added on, finishing off with Mercedes and Caroline as he walked away.

"Communication is the foundation of any successful music group. If we're gonna succeed we need to communicate. You guys said you wanted modern music. I listened." he told them "Mr Schue, we'd really like to not do disco at the assembly." Artie shared but Mr Schuster ignored him "Finn, you're gonna take the solo." he told him "what? No, I can't do the solo. Mr Schue, I'm still learning how to walk and sing at the same time." Finn shared, as Mr Schuester began to take off his jacket "no problem. I'll walk you through it." he told them "ooh!" all of them voiced as Finn looked at them all "challenge." Mercedes said "Mercedes, you know this?" Mr Schuester asked her "oh, I got this." Mercedes told him, as they all got ready to start singing.

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