travellings hard when ur autistic| knf

Start from the beginning

Karl started to kick his legs around "it's icky Dada" he cried. "Shshsh I know" George cooed desperately trying to calm the little down as he let out a yell and started sobbing loudly still kicking and squirming.

He tried to get his seat belt off to quick for George to realise and he shot up screaming again arching his back.

George realising how unsafe it was to not have his seatbelt on immediately looked for a place to pullover finding one quickly and pulling over.

Quickly rushing over to get him opening his door. "Hey sweetheart it's ok I'm here" George said and Karl didn't seem to here him. Spotting Karl's ear defenders hastily dropped to the floor he picked them up.

"Can I put these back on sweetheart" George said Karl not giving him a reply so he just put them on taking his hands off his ears.

Karl quickly slapped his hands back on his ears this time feeling the plastic under them.

"I brought you a pacifier and some fidget toys if you want them" George suggested.

Karl nodded still sobbing. "Can you hold fluffy while I'm gone ok he'll look after you" Goerge said handing the beloved stuffy to him.

George quickly sprinted to go get the items for Karl quickly rushing back to see Karl desperately holding fluffy sobbing hysterically into him.

"Aww sweetie it's ok here look what I have" George said putting the pacifier in his mouth.  "Daddy 'm cowed" (George I'm cold)

"I have a weighted blanket do you want that" George asks and Karl nods George reaches into the back to grab the blanket placing it over Karl shoulders.

George then picked him up and rocked him so he'd fall asleep so he could fall asleep. "You might feel icky when you wake up alright honey" George said kissing his head as Karl drifted off to sleep George placing him in his seat doing his belt again.

Continuing the long drive to sapnap and dreams house. The rain started to patter on the windshield and George was silently glad the little was asleep and had his headphones on.

The drive their was more peaceful now that they were off the motorway and George didn't have to worry about Karl too much.

There was about 30 minutes left in the drive when Karl awoke.

"Dada?" Karl asked stretching. "Yes hun are you ok" George asks looking over it him for a second.

"When we be at sapaps an' dweams 'ouse" Karl mumbled. "A few more minutes hun why?" George replies stroking his head. "I just wan' see dem" Karl said.

"Just wait a few more minutes Sweetheart then you can give them a massive hug" George says putting his hand on Karls thighs.

George thought he should ask how old Karl was so he could tell dream so he could set something up if he was too small.

"How old you feeling Bubba" George asks. Looking over at him who put up 1 finger showing he was quite small. "Alright I'm just going to call dream and tell him that ok" George explained.

"Noo Dada pwease" Karl whined "why sweetheart" Goerge says "becausee, it's embawesing" he groaned.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed baby it's just so they can look after you properly do you think you can be a good boy for me and let me call dream" George says and Karl reluctantly nods.

"Hey dream just wanted to let you know that  Karl is even younger now he's one" George spoke awaiting an answer.

"Oh em ok me and sap can set something up how is he?" Dream asked.

"He's fine you can talk to him if you want" George says quickly switching to video call while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Can dream say hi to you baby" George asks  Karl. Passing him the phone.

"Hey love how are you" dream says as sapnap came in the frame. "Hey dweamm" Karl says laughing through his pacifier.


After a little bit longer they arrived George carrying Karl inside. "Hey guys" George says Karl snuggled softly in his arms.

"Hey George, hey baby" sapnap says seeing Karl small and so fucking adorable cuddled up in blanket and a light purple soother in his mouth.

"We have something for you Karl do you want to come see" sapnap cooed at the baby in George's arms. Karl squealed as Sar-pna-p took him out of Georges arms.

They went into the living room to see a small Marcin the middle of the room with smallish toys and stim toys and blankets pulled to one side with plushies on them.

Karl squealed again in excitement being placed on the ground completely calmed down now.


Ive had this chapter sitting here for like 3 months so it's good to finally get it out!!

PLS give me requests 🙏

Words 1493

Pls tell me if something is wrong in this

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