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We do a small time skip to where Papyrus can now talk and walk. We both still don't know much about magic.

"Heya father, can you show us around Snowdin." I ask. 

"Ya dad we need to see the town! We really want to see it!" 

Gaster nods "What about I show you around everywhere." 

Me and my bro have a small celebration and Gaster laughs at our antics. 

"you ready to go." 

I give a double thumbs up. Gaster opened the door and the brothers follow him out the door. Papyrus is squealing while my tail and eyelights show my emotion. I hear Gaster chuckling slightly as he walks down our street. He showed us where all the parks are and Grillbys. He took us in for breakfast. 

"Heya Grillby." 

"Oh hey Dr. Gaster what can I get you." He looks to us then says "And the kids."

 Gaster quickly introduces us and we order. The food comes out almost immediately. I down the bottle of BBQ sauce I ordered to Papyrus's and Gasters surprise. I chuckle at there reactions. After we are done eating we go out and explore some more. There were a ton of parks in snowdin I noted that in my head because for some reason it seemed important. He showed us the rabbits shop than we than moved onto Waterfall. Waterfall was a small area around and behind a large Waterfall. Behind the Waterfall was a cave that some monsters lived in but it was just a neighborhood so we did not explore in there for that long. Waterfall was home to some of Gasters friends that we said hi to including Napstablook and Undyne. We ate lunch around here. After venturing around a ton more parks, Gersons shop, and the small Temmie settlement we moved on to Hotland which was in the side of the large mountain we lived by which was a dormant volcano. There was lava everywhere and very mechanic. We visited Alphys's lab for a while before exploring the maze of Hotland. This place was definitely not made for kids and I was surprised Gaster even let us in here. Than we went and explored the Core which was honestly not very exciting because it was exactly like the original except we did meet Mettaton there. We than backtracked and stood in front of the castle gates. We did go inside of them and instead  went back to the house. (There are no Ruins or New Home just the castle because the king and queen are still together even after the kids death.) When we got home it was dinner time. Herman welcomed us back and we all sat at the table which was set and ready with food. 

"Aww I wanted to make everyone Lasagna." Papyrus sad sadly. 

"Well I have everything set up already babybones. Maybe next time."

"Okay mom." 

After we ate we laid down on our bed and Herman read Peekaboo With A Fluffy Bunny for Papyrus and then sung a lullaby for me. We both fell asleep peacefully. (They shall always share a room because it's cute.)

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu