Another Glitch

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I recognize the person in my yarn immediately. It was another glitched character that I made, Bluecode. I carefully untangled his soul from my yarn and set him down to the ground. I quickly apologized and he forgave me without a second thought. I explained the situation to him.

"If it means keeping others safe... I am in." Bluecode announced holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Glad to have you." I said shaking his hand.

I felt a tinge in my soul and knew that everything had started. The Bad Sanses had formed their main team Nightmare, Dust, Horror, and Killer. The Star Sanses had Ink, Blue, and Dream. I also could tell that my soul was pulling to a certain AU. That meant that there was a glitch there that needed to be gotten rid of or that Alternate Universe is doomed.

I quickly told Bluecode and texted everyone else about the situation and the new member. The bitties begged me to let them join. I sighed and agreed to let them come. They sat in their positions and I opened a portal to each of the members locations and they all walked through.

I then opened a portal to the location of the severe glitch and we all went in.

(The glitches are both without and with souls. His soul only gets going to glitches that were made in that specific universe so Outcodes like Error do not count.)

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now