Multiversal Meeting

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Miscode will be the one who answers comments from now on. If you want to talk to me please specify. You can call me MC to differ from Miscode. Miscode has been eager to talk to others from our reality and I thought this was a good opportunity.

When I woke up in the morning and went down the stairs I was immediately spammed with messages through the Undernet Protocol. All of them from Ink. I wondered what the heck Ink was texting me so much about. I opened the messages.

Seems that Undertime Sans had allowed Ink to build a meeting room for the Bad Sans, Star Sans, and Balance Sans. Ink wanted to show it off to everyone and have their first important meeting. Mostly everyone would be there and they really wanted me to come.

I told them I would be there and quickly told Niko to stay awake and help the bitty Nightmare to watch the kids. I quickly left with the rest of my group to the coordinates Ink gave me. Ink immediately waved me over once I got there and I walked over to him with everyone else following.

Ink flourished his hands over to the grand entrance which seemed better than any of the castles and said, "tada! It took me forever to finish since it is so grand but it was so worth it."

"It looks amazing." I complemented.

I looked up at the huge entrance and awed at how grand and detailed it was. I was happy at how it looked but wondered why it needs to be so big for just meetings. A lot of this stuff is not going to be used. I guess we could also go here for just fun too. Ink may have gone a little overboard.

There was an entry with a fountain and benches, a kids area just in case the kids needed to come, and the meeting room that was way bigger and fancier than it needed to be. There was a chandelier hanging over the table. I sat down in one of the chairs and told my Subordinates to sit down too.

We waited until everyone had come and officially started the meeting.

"First order, when are we finally going to see the kids?" I asked.

"I thought about this and I thought we could take turns since going all at once would be too many people." Dream explained.

"We could all take like a few days for each person and that person could go and see each one of the kids and then swap." Haven added.

Everyone gave some sort of agreement to this so they moved on.

"So about the Chaos Sanses. Are they all giving you guys a bad time too?" I asked.

"Yeah, they have been a huge nuisance to us!" Ink answered.

"They have been getting in my way." Nightmare added.

"So any ideas about what to do?" Feelings asked.

The room fell silent.

After a moment of complete silence everyone sighed. Everyone could tell that no one had planned anything about them and could not think of a thing. I dropped my head to the table but I accidentally hit my head a little harder than I expected. I rubbed my head while everyone laughed. I laughed along happy I raised the mood a little.

We talked about a few other things and then ended the meeting. Everyone started to go back home but I stayed for a minute with the Star Sanses to talk for a moment before going because I had not had a real talk with them for a while. I talked with Ink about the creators and how nice they have been, Blue about his home life, and Dream about his relationship with Nightmare.

After a nice talk with them I left back to the castle. I immediately went over to check on the kids. Thankfully they were all fine and the two were actually pretty good babysitters. I thanked them for taking care of the kids and went to work on some paperwork that I was sadly starting to get since I was getting more known. The one downside about being a Multiversal known group leader.

I made an office for myself to do paperwork and also look through and take notes on things I found on the media from the other reality. This is also where I write the books I post here. I quickly got started on doing the paperwork. Killer came in to help out. We got the paperwork done fast enough to go eat with everyone. I quickly went to sleep after being exhausted.

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