A Time At Nightmare's Castle

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Moon tried to convince me to take them on missions but I always said no. He was an amazing fighter when we tested his strength in the training room but I could tell he was just trying to look the part. He was as sweet on the inside as most Papyruses were.

Moon was better with the kids than you would think with his super tall and scary build. He looked scary and acted tough but you can break his shell pretty easily to show his more Papyrus nature. I honestly loved the guy with his strong outside but weak inside. Moon was actually a great part of the team keeping everyone's spirits up and helping Haven and Dove from keeping people in check.

I was reading a book quietly on my hammock when Moon came up to me and said "I need help getting to Nightmare's castle to see my brother. Me and my brother cannot travel without help."

I sighed and got up from my hammock. I might as well come along with them. I opened a portal and let Moon step through it. I stayed for a bit to tell the others I was leaving for a bit and to take care of my kids. I took a deep breath hoping for the best and stepped through the portal.

As soon as I got through the portal I immediately regretted it. Error was right in front of the open portal along with Lunar. They greeted Moon and Error looked over to me. We both glared at each other and a tense air came into the room.

Error seemed to force himself to walk off instead of getting into a fight. Probably because it was the rules of the castle or something. I sighed in relief glad that we did not get into a fight Infront of the others.

Lunar seemed to be happy to see his brother okay and started to talk to them. My face saddened as I remembered my Papyrus but shook it off. It was no use on thinking about the past. It would just hurt and slow me down. I put on a smile and joined them in there conversation. Seems they were talking about what happened in Classics AU. I was surprised how Lunar could like Blue's cooking.

After a bit of time the Murder Time Tro entered the room and also started talking about what happened in Classics AU. I asked a few questions but mainly just listened to them talk. Nightmare then came into the castle possibly after another meeting. He was grumbling about something Ink said and noticed me.

He just walked away clearly pissed off about something. I looked at the others confused and they all answered with shrugs.

"Probably a bad meeting." Killer responded.

I nodded and hoped that as a group leader I would not be forced to join some of these meetings in the future. They seemed a bit too loud and chaotic for my liking.

"Who wants to play a card game?" Killer asked.

Dust raised his hand and Horror answered with "Sure."

Moon and Lunar immediately agreed to this. Lunar seemed kinda excited for the chaos that was soon to come.

I knew how chaotic these could get and sighed "Fine."

Killer smirked and got out a Uno set.

I groaned "Uno again?"

"Of course it is the best card game." Killer replied.

Everyone else agreed and I just gave another sigh. We all sat down in a circle. Dust shuffled the cards and Killer passed them out excitedly. I flipped over the first card and the game began. It quickly became a fight for survival as threats were spat out and weapons were drawn. No extreme fights broke out until.

"Uno!" Killer yelled slamming down a draw four color change, "Draw four Dust."

Before this Killer had skipped Dust a few times and was purposely targeting him. He had also had an Uno when Killer placed the draw four.

"KILLER!" Dust yelled pulling out a broken bone and brandishing it at Killer. "THAT'S IT YOUR DEAD!"

"I would like to see you try." Killer challenged pulling out his knife.

The table was flipped over by a Gaster Blaster by Dust and I had to duck to not get hit. Moon, Me, and Horror hid behind the table while Lunar decided to join in the fight.

The fight got so bad that a hole was blown out of the wall.

I couldn't take the fight anymore and yelled, "SHUT UP!!!"

In my anger I instinctively tied up the people who were fighting and tietened the yarn to the point of some pain. Nightmare burst into the room grumbling and noticed me in a rage.

"Let them go. I can deal with these idiots." Nightmare sighed sipping his Coffee.

I grumbled and let them go. They fell to the floor and looked up at Nightmare in fear.

"Please go easy on us this time boss." Killer said sweat dropping.

Nightmare looked at the huge hole and looked back "No." And grabbed them with his tentacles.

"Wait boss I did not contribute to that." Horror said nervously.

"You know that playing Uno in the castle is against the rules but you did not try to stop them." Nightmare replied, "So you are as responsible as the other two."

Horror struggled in Nightmares grip but gave up after a moment. Dust just was there still glaring at Killer while Killer was smirking at Dust while also looking very nervous.

Lunar since he was not grabbed yet tried to sneak away. Nightmare noticed and grabbed him too. Lunar just went limp knowing that struggle was useless.

"You will get a special punishment since you are new to the gang so you know not to do anything like this again." Nightmare said glaring at Lunar.

Lunar laughed nervously.

Nightmare carries them all out of the room and I take this chance to make a portal and leave with Moon.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now