Telling The Truth

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I woke up to the sound of a warning. It seems that a new person came to the AU. I teleported to the outside gate of the castle to find out who. To my surprise it was Killer.

"Killer! What are you doing here?" I asked.

Killer shrugged, "I did not know this was your place."

"Oh, right." I answered, "You can come in."

I walked inside with Killer following behind. I quickly added Killer to the Little Less Trusted Billboard and made it so he could not use any sort of weapon of magic.

When Killer walked in, he stopped to look around and said, "Impressive place you got here."

I smiled and thanked him. I immediately heard yelling and sighed.


I heard the argument quite down a bit but was still happening. I sighed, not really what I was going for but close enough.

Killer was laughing at the ruckus perhaps wanting to join in to cause more chaos. I suddenly heard crying from upstairs. Forgetting all about Killer I rush upstairs to see what the problem was. I opened the door and noticed it was Puppet.

"M-mum!" He yelped and rushed to me.

He hugged my leg crying.

I patted his head and said "It's okay. I am here now."

That seemed to calm him down. Because of Puppets crying all the other kids have woken up. Bad being in a bad mood about being woken up early started to grumble to himself while Drop immediately jumped out of bed ready for the day. Curio yawned and slowly got out of his bed then greeted me. I smiled happily. I flinched as Killer came into the room. I totally forgot that Killer was here. 

Puppet looked over to Killer and gave a small smile. Drop noticing Killer ran over to him and hugged him. Killer was surprised but hugged back awkwardly. I chuckled at this interaction noticing that Killer had not found out yet and decided to tell him. 

I sighed hoping this will go well and said "Uh... you remember the last fight we had."

"Yeah. That was real fun!" Killer replied.

I rubbed the back of my skull "Sure. Anyway, these kids came from that fight. Puppet and Drop and yours and Curio and Bad are Errors."

Killer took a moment to think about what I had said and replied with "Wait... I have kids!"

I nodded my head and Killer smiled. I was surprised by the reaction to say the least. Drop looked up at Killer and pulled out his knife. I smiled and decided to move Killer to the Trust billboard. Killers knife that he had lost getting inside of the AU glitched back into his hand. He was surprised for a minute but then smiled. I also pushed Bad toward them giving him the knife he left on his bedside table.

"Knife buddies!" They all yelled at the same time.

I smiled at them while Puppet was hidden behind me and Curio was watching the three knife buddies like it was some type of movie.  I gently pushed Puppet towards the group and nodded to Curio. Curio rushed to Killer and smiled up at him Puppet shyly walked up to them and gripped onto Killers pants. Killer smiled. Puppet then proceeded to run back over to me and hugged to my leg burring his face into my pants.

"How about we go to Nightmares castle and introduce them to the others?" Killer asked.

"I don't know about that..." I replied.

"Nightmare won't be home until tonight because of some meeting." Killer said. "Please, please, please"

Killer kept saying please until I broke when Drop also started to say please.

"Fine! You guys' win." I sighed.

Killer gave me the coordinates to the castle so I could open a portal. He could teleport to the castle but not with so many passengers. He walked into the portal first with Drop, Curio, and Bad following after. Puppet stayed with me, and I picked him up. He buried his face into my shirt. I got myself ready and stepped through the portal with my head held high.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now