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After only a few resets I noticed something very wrong with my soul. It was starting to glitch out and it hurt. I hid it from my family to not alarm them but knew that in due time they would easily find out. I was glad I could keep it a secret so far. I made it so that Error could not find this AU to take care of the glitch. I sat on my bed and clutch my chest as my soul began to burn again. I sucked in a breath and after the few moments I let out a relived sigh as the pain subsided. I walk outside of my room to see Frisk and Papyrus.

"Hey Paps! What are you watching with the kiddo?" I ask.

I was relived that the glitch happened on a Pacifist timeline. I notice Frisk's hair glitch a bit but then go back to normal.

"We are watching a cooking competition brother." Papyrus replied.

I walked down the stairs and jumped onto the couch. I let myself relax and try not to show my nervous self show. I remembered the resets sadly and did not feel very safe around Frisk. I must have acted good because no one commented that I looked a little uncomfortable. Just then I had another what I am going to call 'Soul Ache'. I had made a chart of when the soul aches occurred and they seemed to have a schedule. This one came out of nowhere. I grabbed my chest in pain. Frisk looked at me concerned.

"Brother are you okay? What is happening?" Papyrus said quickly.

"Yeah, I am fine bro. You don't have to worry." I answered.

"No, you are clearly not fine Sans."

Papyrus looked where I was clutching and pulled out my soul with blue magic. He gasped as he saw the condition of my soul.

"We are bringing you to Alphys." Papyrus announced.

I sigh knowing that I would not be able to convince my brother not to do this. My brother does have a good mind though. Alphys is the person to go to when it comes to souls. In this AU Gaster is more into AUs and regular science while Alphys is more into soul science. I was still in pain and decided not to get up or use magic since it would make it more painful. Papyrus noticed that I was not moving and immediately understood. He used blue magic to lift me into the air and brought me to the car. Papyrus sat me in the passengers seat and Frisk climbed into the back. Papyrus I must say is a crazy driver and always speeds. I always take the drivers seat unless and emergency occurs and I would say this was an emergency. Papyrus got out the car floating me behind him and rang the doorbell.

knowing the doorbell had a camera with a speaker Papyrus said, "Alphys this is Papyrus. Sans has something wired going on with his soul."

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя