Thinking Too Much

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Today started like any other day but I felt something was very off. I sent everyone to school and ate with the group. After we finished our morning routine I immediately started a search of the castle. I however did not find anything out of the ordinary. It was probably just nerves.

I sighed. All the stress and fighting has been getting to me lately. I still had a job to do through. I went out as usual and got rid of some glitches. It seemed that the number was increasing and that worried me. I was also worried about the relationship between Ink and Error. I was hoping that their relationship would stay at least somewhat okay and not go back to what it was.

I was also wondering about the apple twins relationship. I hope their relationship is going better than Ink and Errors. I rubbed my head. I should not be thinking about the others problems so much but I couldn't help it. I then started to think about my groups problems. I need to clear my head. What is wrong with me this morning.

I walked to my room and sat down on my bed then layed down to stair up at the ceiling. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and that seemed to help. I got out a book and tried to read but it was hard to concentrate on one thing since my head was a mess.

I went down to the living room and sat down on the sofa with my head in my hands. Someone of course noticed this and that someone was Feelings. He probably already senced that my feelings were out of wack.

"Boss, what is troubling you?" Feelings asked.

"A lot. My head is full of crap right now." I answered.

"Your head is not full of crap." Feelings replied.

I sighed and answered with, "I am worried about everyone, and the chaos Sanses, and others relationships, and missing something important, and even more crap that I really should not be worried about."

"Hey, that stuff is not crap to think about. Just it is troubling to think about it all at once." Feelings explained.

"I know but I don't know how to stop." I replied.

Feelings gave me some pointers and then left. I gave a sigh. Talking to Feelings helped to distract me. Maybe I should look for some distractions. I decided to get online again and research some more stuff. That really helped me to distract myself and I already felt a lot better than I did when I woke up. That reminds me that I need to check on my son's grades. It was almost midterm and I kept forgetting.

I got online and checked the grades. I grumbled as the first persons grade I saw was Bad and it was almost all F's. He was probably the school bully or the trouble boy who never does any of his work. I sighed. I really needed to give him a long lecture about actually doing his work.

I then looked at Curio's grade which was actually pretty good. Mostly A's some B's and one C. The only reason that he has some of the lower grades was because of a few missing assignments that he probably forgot to turn in. He does love to learn after all.

Then last but no least Drop. Drop had some really mixed grades. Some because of missing assignments and some because of actual bad grades. He was probably not paying very good attention because of how freaking energetic he is. He has a hard time paying attention.

I definitely need to work with them to help get their grades up. With Curio all I really need to do is remind him to turn in his work and he will be good. The others need some extra help. I was actually excited to help them with homework. I loved this type of stuff and was ready to help them out. I was kinda sad that I was homeschooled by Gaster. I would have loved going to a public school.

I will help once they get home but that was still in a while. I was called down for lunch where Feelings asked if I was feeling better which I answered that I did. He seemed super relieved. I was happy that I have people that worry about me. Though I hope they don't worry as much as I do to the point of extreme stress.

I helped the kids with homework along with Killer who thankfully was actually super good at some of the subjects the kids were taking. After eating dinner I decided to go straight to bed hoping that it will help my stress go down.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ