Underswap's Party

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In the morning I texted Ink to come and help me get connected to the Multiverse. Ink helped me get into the Multiversal group chat and set up the Multiverse news. I thanked him and he left through a Ink portal. I checked the group chat and noticed that I was invited to a party at Underswap for important Sanses. It seems that non of my subordinates were invited. It was scheduled in an hour.

I quickly got ready to go to the party and told everyone where I was going. I portaled to Underswap and looked around. Blueberry said that nobody should be the area and his bro was busy with something thankfully. I was happy that Blueberror was not the Blue with the Star Sanses. It seems that this Papyrus still does not know about AUs.

It seemed that I was the first one there and sat down to wait for the others to start flowing in. I heard a sound that indicated teleportation and looked over my shoulder to see who it was. My eyes widened as instead of a Sans there was Underswap Papyrus. He looked around in confusion at the decorations and then at me.

We stared at each other for a moment then Carrot spoke up "Who the heck are you?"

I rubbed the back of my head, "I am Miscode another version of your bro. I have been waiting here for other Sanses to show up for the party that is happening here."

Carrot stopped to think for a moment, "So AUs really do exist. Is that why my bro has been going out so much?"

"Yeah." I responded.

I did not say any more because I did not know what Blue wanted his bro to know. Carrot seemed worried and in thought. I heard another person teleport and saw it was Dream. Dream waved to me and I waved back.

Dream looked over and saw Carrot, "Why is Blue's brother here?"

I shrugged in response.

Carrot answered with "Bro seemed to be hiding something and I was worried."

Dream and I nodded. A few more Sans teleported in and asked the same question which me and Dream answered because Carrot was lazy and did not want to explain it more than once. The last one to arrive was Blue himself. His eyes widened when he saw Carrot.

"We have some talking to do bro." Carrot told him.

Blue laughed awkwardly.

Carrot looked around than said "We can talk later."

Blue looked thankfully at his bro then went up the stand, "Thank you all for coming to the party. Let's all have a great time!"

Most people cheered. I look over to see Killer talking to Lunar and after a moment pushed Lunar into Nightmare. Lunar started to blush profucly. I laughed and walked over to Killer.

"They look so cute together. I ship it" Killer commented.

"Bro I so agree." I replied, "We shouldn't bother them."

"Agreed." Killer said.

We walked to the refreshments table and I took a bottle of BBQ sauce and started to chug it. A few more Sans came to watch and chant. I easily chugged the whole bottle and everyone clapped. I smiled and bowed before they all dispersed. Killer chuckled while grabbing himself a bottle of Kachup.

I smiled at Killer while thinking about how lucky I was to have so many friends in this life. We both chugged down a few more bottles. I noticed Cross grabbing some chocolate and Red grabbing mustard. I chuckled as I thought about stealing chocolate from Red again.

Carrot looked very overwhelmed by the amount of Sanses he was seeing. I saw Blue walk over to him to calm him down. Classic looked over to me gave a glance to Killer and immediately turned the other direction. Seems Classic does not have a good relationship with the Bad Sanses.

I looked around wondering what to do. In my thoughts I zoned out for a moment. When I came back Killers face was right in front of mine and I crashed. I was out for a few moments and shook my head clearing my thoughts. I was probably a glitching blushing mess. Killer was chuckling. I moved my scarf which I was happy I put on over my face and looked away.

Killer just chuckled more and I glared at him. He definitely got up in my face to see this reaction. I was getting annoyed at him laughing and decided to catch him back. I summoned a bone and threw it right by his head giving him a small scratch on his cheek.

Killer looked surprised for a moment but then laughed it off. I grumbled to myself and Killer just smiled. I sighed and looked around again thinking of something fun to do.

Blue got up to the pedestal and announced, "Everyone can eat dinner and then you can leave any time after that."

I was so ready for food that I grabbed Killers hand and dragged him to the dinner table with me. We sat down and I ate quickly joining in some of the other Sanses conversations. I left shortly after to make sure the castle was not in completely ruin.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now