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I blinked my eyes open and stretched. I looked around and noticed I was not dead! I put my hand to the back of my skull and stook my hand through my newly acquired hole. It was not a dream either.

I sat up and immediately laid back down due to dizziness. I groaned. I noticed that I felt like I hadn't eaten in months. All I could do was lay down.

Puppet and Killer came into the room probably to check up on me. Puppet immediately teared up and jumped onto me. I patted his head and smiled.

I looked up at Killer who surprisingly was holding back tears of his own. I wondered what happened to make Killer be like that seeming not to be something he would do like ever. I was expecting to get a dark humor joke or something like that.

"Okay, what the heck happened." I asked.

"You were in a coma for three whole months." Killer explained.

"Three! Anything drastic happen while I was asleep?" I asked.

"No, it has been quite normal. No more attacks by the new group and no visits by anyone around the Multiverse." Killer said. He also gave me the information that Nightmare and Feelings gained about the new group.

I was able after a few tries to get up and walk around without feeling dizzy anymore and went to check the castle. As expected it was a complete mess and some parts of it were destroyed probably because of Bluecode and Trait maybe a long with some of my kids this time around.

I sighed and immediately restored the castle with coding and called a meeting to show everyone that I was still alive. I walked into the living room and was greeted my many hugs and words of concern and excitement. Everyone seemed very emotional by me being awake. It warmed my soul that people cared about me this much.

I smiled brightly and hugged the kids back. I did wonder why no one visited during the last three months. Hopefully nothing bad happened and I hoped nothing like a Multiverse war had taken place remembering Underverse.

Dove then gave the suggestion "Why don't we put on a Multiversal party? It will show everyone that you are okay and maybe even get more people to know are group since we are relatively new."

"That is not a bad idea." I answered excited by the concept.

"Yes let's do that! I want to meet new AUs." Curio exclaimed.

"Do not talk to strangers unless I say that they are okay. " I warned.

Curio nodded.

Bad and the other kids also looked interested all except Puppet. Puppet looked worried probably about the incident that happened three months ago and having more people they did not know around.

I patted Puppets head "It will be okay Pup."

Puppet did not look convinced.

I sighed but said "Let's do it!"

"What type of party are we going for?" Haven asked.

"How about more of a ball where everyone dresses fancy and wear masks?" Killer suggested.

I agreed with the idea. I have wondered what an actual one would look like after seeing it in a anime. It would be fun to see what everyone would dress up in too. I was totally going to wear a mask with horns attached.

Now that I think of it I should have given Miscode horns :(

"We should have it be a dark theme too." Nightmare added.

"Agreed." I replied, "I can send out the invitation on the Multiversal net and put our coordinates there too. I honestly don't mind more people knowing our coordinates and if we don't like someone I can always ban them from the AU."

I then excused everyone with jobs to set up the party.

I looked over everyone and my eyes landed on Killer. Now that I think about it Killer has been around quite a lot. It felt more like he was a part of our group instead of Nightmares now in all honesty. I hoped it would stay that way.

"Something wrong?" Killer asked.

I noticed I was staring at him while in thought and I looked away blushing in embarrassment while rubbing the back of my skull.

"I'm fine, just in thought." I explained.

"Or is it that I just look that good." Killer joked.

Now that I think about it he was quite cool. I blushed harder which also made me glitch harder.

"Kills!" I yelled. I was glitching out super bad by now. I was still getting used to Killers teasing.

Killer chuckled.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." I said sarcasm leaking from my voice.

"Not sorry." Killer replied.

I sighed and got to work on putting our party out online where everyone could see. We set it up for tomorrow so we could get everything ready.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now