Glitched Cute Bean

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After the trip to the way too colorful Dream's Castle and fixing my castle I was ready to go back to the Anti-Void to get all the color out of my eyes and also to check on the blue that used to be with Error. I wondered what Blueberry this would be. Would it be a glitched version or a version of Error let go. I have never met a glitched version of a Blue yet. Bluecode was not a glitched Blue. He was an Outcode who appeared out of nowhere.

I opened a portal and walked through it. When I exited the portal on the other side and looked around searching for the Blue. I found him sitting with his arms hugging his knees and his head down. He was glitching out and seemed to be talking to himself. I wondered if he could really hear the people from my old world.

I walked up to him and asked "Hey, are you okay?"

Who I knew as Blueberror looked up and he smiled wildly, "Oh, my gosh! Another person!"

He threw himself on my hugging me. He was definitely starving for physical contact. I awkwardly hugged back. Blueberror let go quickly and apologized.

"Sorry. I just haven't seen another living being in so long." Blueberror said rubbing the back of his skull.

"How long did Error leave you here?" I asked, worried about the answer.

"I would say a few months at least but I don't know. Time is weird here." Blueberror answered.

My eyes widened and I wondered why Core did not take him to the Omega Timeline sooner.

I patted his head and he responded by saying "Hey I am not a kid!"

I laughed and said, "I can get you out of here and you can stay at the castle for a while until you figure out what you want to do."

"Really!" Blueberror exclaimed, excited.

I chuckled, "Really."

Blueberror jumped around in excitement for a moment and smiled, "I get to meet more me's."

He is definitely not the Star Sanses Blue. I smiled at him and opened a portal to my castle and he rushed through in front of me. I hurried through the portal after him. Once I was out I saw him standing there gaping at the castle.

"My castle is amazing right." I said, proudly.

"Wait, your castle?!" Blueberror exclaimed.

"Yep." I replied, smile growing "I am the leader of the newest group in the Multiverse The Balance Sanses."

Blueberror gaped at me which just made my ego grow, "I keep the Multiverse in balance by destroying glitches that could make the Multiverse unstable."

"That's amazing!" Blueberror said.

I smiled brightly glad that he liked what I did. I took him into the castle and there was immediately chaos. The bitties were arguing about something, Trait and Bluecode were fighting each other leaving holes in the castle, The others were either hiding or trying to calm the situation down, #678 and Nico were ignoring all of it, Nightmare was on the chandelier sipping his Coffee and watching the chaos smiling.

I immediately stringed the ones who were causing the loud noises and destroying stuff.

"Go to your rooms and don't come out for the rest of the day unless I say so!" I yell, demanding. "Also this is Blueberror he will be staying here for the time being."

Everyone seemed to start sweating in my rage and immediately obeyed my order. The others who were not sentenced to solitude introduced themselves. They start to ask Blue questions about his past seeing his resemblance to Blue. I immediately stopped the questions as I saw these were a bit too personal for him to answer and I completely understood.

Once everything was sorted out I gave Blueberror a tour of the castle.

Once I got to the throne room Blueberror asked "Can you sit on your throne I bet it would look cool and intimidating."

I shrugged, "Why not."

I went over and sat on my throne. I tried to make myself look as intimidating as possible and it seemed that it worked. Blueberror seemed to be frozen in place from nervousness.

I started to laugh, "Man, you should have seen your face. That was golden."

Blueberror laughed nervously.

"Anyway that concludes the tour." I told him, "You can go do your own thing now."

Blueberror gave a quick bow and rushed off. I chuckled again at how scared that Blueberror was. Good to know that I actually can look that scary when I want to. I would definitely use that more often.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum