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I was the first to wake up in the morning and was completely entangled in the bundle of skeletons. I somehow got into the freaking middle of the skeleton mass. I tried to move but couldn't and sighed giving up and decided to lay there for a moment to think of what to do. I decided to teleport even though I was the one supporting some of the skeletons so they didn't fall off the couch. 

I teleported just off the couch. I heard a crash and looked behind me seeing Haven and Dove on the floor along with Feelings who was sleeping on Havens head. Trait and Bluecode smashed there heads together and were now yelling at each other. The only ones who were safe were Nightmare and Night who were on Night patrol. Also #678 who decided to sleep in there own room and Nico who was still sleeping on the windowsill behind the couch.

I walked to the kitchen ignoring the others banter and started to cook bacon and eggs along with everyone else's food. Day suddenly ran into the castle looking distressed.

"We have a trespasser!" Day yelled for everyone to hear.

Everyone was immediately serious except for Trait and Bluecode who were still fighting. Getting annoyed I yelled for them to shut up and they did apologizing quickly. I sighed but accepted there apologies. I quickly asked info about the trespasser but Day said that they wouldn't have enough time to explain as they found him later than they wanted. I told everyone to go upstairs and they all obeyed Trait and Bluecode more slowly then the others. I turned my attention to the door. Nightmare came through the bitty door I created and quickly swung himself up onto the chandelier to watch. 

I pulled out some of yarn just to be safe. When I saw the doors slowly being pushed open I immediately tied up their soul. My eyes widened in surprise as it was this Multiverses Ink. It seemed that this Ink has a soul. I heard Ink yelp in surprise. I am guessing they did not expect someone with something similar to Error's attack. I untied the strings around there soul deeming them safe enough.

"Nice to meet you new Sans I am Ink Sans." Ink said smiling, running to me energetically.

I yelped as Ink took my hand forcefully and shook it.

"Call me Miscode and uh... same." I said scratching the back of my skull clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "Can you let go of my hand now?"

Ink quickly let go of my hand and rubbed the back of his head voicing an apology.  I heard Nightmare chuckle from the chandelier but did not say anything. Ink seemed to not have noticed either. I then heard yelling from upstairs and I grumbled. I knew there was no need to hind anything anymore.

"Nightmare can you come down." I said.

Nightmare seemed surprised that I noticed he was there but jumped down onto my head.

"Sorry about the noise." I said to Ink, "You are welcome to follow me."

Ink as I thought followed me upstairs and I walked the room they were in noticing it was one of the spare rooms. All it had was a small table in the middle of it. I walked into the room and noticed Uno cards scattered around the ground and the table flipped over. Haven and the others were using this table to hide behind as Trait and Bluecode were yelling at each other. It seemed to have escalated to the point that they had summoned attacks but haven't gone as far as using them yet. This made me think of an interaction between Dust and Killer. I laughed a little to myself and used my strings to hang them on the ceiling upside down. When that did not stop them I tugged on my strings a bit and they tightened around there souls. Of course I did not do it to the point of pain it would just be very uncomfortable.

Everyone sighed in relief when everything settled down. I released them from my strings and they fell to the floor. They quickly apologized to me again and I sighed knowing this type of thing was probably going to happen a lot with those two. I quickly apologized to Ink wanting to be a good host.

"It's fine." Ink looked around at everyone and quickly asked, "Are you a group or something?"

"Yep. You can call use the Balance Sanses." I responded.

#678 and Nico entered the room probably wondering what all the noise was about. 

Nico immediately ran up to me and jumped up onto the table and looked up proudly saying, "I am second in command!"

"If you say so." I answered.

I picked up #678 noticing that it was looking up at me with a look that I new. It replied in the usual creepy Furby voice "This is the leader. Give my master more respect."

 "And they are the leader of the Star Sanses. It's fine." I said back.

#678 rolled his eyes.

Ink looked very creeped out by the talking, glitching Taco Cat and the Furby. 

I sighed and told Ink, "You will be fine as long as you don't anger them."

Ink seemed to believe me and was immediately fine with them and walked over to Nico. Ink started to pet him which he responded with purring.

"Wait he is the leader of the Star Sanses I was expecting something different." Bluecode put in.

"Yeah he looks kind of weak." Trait added.

Ink ignored them quickly looking at the watch on his wrist and then looking at his scarf.

He gasped and said, "Shoot I am going to be late again. I got to go."

"You are welcome any time." I said wanting a good relation with Ink.

"Thanks friend." Ink said waving as he entered the portal.

I smiled as that went better than I thought my first encounter with Ink would go. I was glad that this version has a soul. I excused everyone to go do there own things and back to my room spending the rest of the day finishing all the puppets of my group and starting Ink and Error.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now