Undertale and Security

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I was in my room pondering what to do next. It was not until I remembered the ways Classic learned about the AUs that I decided. Classic usually found out about the Multiverse in not very great ways. There was the Multiversal war or random people teleporting to his house after his machine malfunctions. Some are better I wanted him to have a good first impression of the Multiverse before anything crazy happened. After deciding to go to Classics I told everyone through the microphone that I was going to be gone for a while and to keep the castle under guard. 

Then I remembered one thing I wanted to do before doing anything else. I quickly pulled up the Universes code and typed my password into the box giving me access to the admin controls of the Universe. I was this Universes creator after all. I quickly put up a shield that will only allow me and other people I write down to use magic. For the humor I put up four billboards at the back of the main room, so they were out of the way but everyone that stepped into the castle would see them. I made it so no one could damage or change the billboards in any way shape or form but me.

The billboard on the left was for trusted people. The people written on this billboard will be able to do anything they would be able to do in the outside world. The middle-left billboard was for people that I have a little less trust in. these people are not quite trusted all the way yet but can come and go as they please. These people however have restrictions that I put up that differ from person to person defending on my trust in them. The middle-right billboard was for less trusted people or people who I am only job partners with from other groups. These people cannot enter the Universe unless I give them permission. This works when the person tries to teleport or portal to this Universe, it will give me a warning and I can either give them permission or deny it. These people also have rules like the not quite trusted yet billboard inside of the AU. The right billboard is for enemies. They will have to get permission before entering and if they do get permission, they cannot use of bring any weapons into the AU.

Yes, they do have the titles on the billboards. I put all my subordinates plus me on the trusted billboard. I put Ink on the not quite trusted billboard and made it so they cannot use red paint. I of course put Error on the enemy billboard. Oh, I will also be alerted when someone comes into the AU. I am going to allow people into the AU but any people that I have not put on the billboards will be seen as trespassers. These people cannot use any of their powers whatsoever and will always be altered when they enter the AU. The alerting function will turn off for Trusted people and I can always turn it off for other people too. I turned the function off for Ink.

Once I was finally done with all my coding, I entered Classics AU and made sure it was also the Original Timeline. I stepped into the Judgment Hall and smiled as I looked around at it. In Undermonster we did not have a Judgment Hall. It was super beautiful. I shook my head not wanting to think about my old AU anymore. I leaned against the wall and waited for Classic knowing this was the best place to explain without others seeing. I smiled as Classic teleported to the Judgment Hall and came out to where he could see me. He looked shocked but almost immediately went back to his smiley self. 

"I am Miscode. It's nice to finally meet you. May I call you Classic?" I ask.

"Nice to meet ya and sure but why Classic?" Classic asked

"You're the Original Sans so Classic suits well." I answered. "Also, I am an alternate version of you." 

"So, Alphy's theory was right." Classic said to himself.

"Yep, also if you have any questions or anything else you can come to my castle." I handed him a paper telling him the coordinates of the castle. "I am pretty sure you will be able to teleport there."

"Thanks." Classic replied.

I waved to him and went back through the portal I immediately wrote down Classic on the Trust billboard. I then went back to my room and pulled up a one-way portal and started to watch the AUs. It has been a while since I have done this, so I wondered what had changed and my gosh did so much change. There were so many more Timelines and AUs popping up now but also disappearing thanks to Error. I noticed many more disbelief, dusts, and other Timelines like it. I was soon immersed in watching the AUs.  

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now