Bad News

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The next day someone knocked on the door before anyone else woke up. It kinda woke me up. I rushed down the stairs to see who it was thinking it was probably something important for someone to come knocking this early.

I opened the door and noticed Killer. I looked at him with confusion and quickly let him in as he was in distress. I sat us down in the living room and began the discussion.

"What's up Kills?" I asked.

"There is a new group that just formed and they seem to be against peace which you helped in making. They seem to be mainly targeting you." Killer answered quickly, "They have an assassin after you at this moment."

My eyes widened with this news. I never thought about something like this happening before. I went into deep thought for how I could solve this problem. I guess I will need to be extra careful leaving the AU. I also needed to tell my Subordinates this and make sure they will be safe if leaving.

"This is a dilemma." I said to Killer after thinking for a few minutes.

Killer also seemed to be in thought about this but it seems like we may have to fight this new team sometime.

"What is this team called?" I asked.

Killer looked up and replied with, "They call themselves Darkbloom."

"Cool name" I commented, "Anyway, there is an assassin after me. Do you know anything about them."

"There are two of them actually. We don't have any Intel on them at all." Killer replied.

I sighed. I have no experience with this type of thing. I definitely do not know what to do in this type of situation and was internally freaking out but was keeping my cool on the outside.

"They will most likely target you for obvious reasons. Without the leader the team falls apart. You should really think about getting a second in command to take over if something happens." Killer explained.

I thought that over for a minute. That idea had never come to mind since he created the group but choosing a second in command is super important. I started to think over who would be a good leader with their attributes.

"You should think it over the span of a day or more" Killer said, "It is a super important decision after all."

I nodded. I should probably just relax for now so I can think rationally instead of choosing someone or doing something out of panic. I got up and decided to make breakfast with Killer for the others since we still had enough time before the others woke up.

Once everyone was up I called them down for breakfast and went with Killer to get the kids up. Surprisingly Puppet kept quiet today. I quickly thought of not waking them up but I thought it would be the best thing to do. I went to wake up Puppet and Killer went to wake up the others.

I gently shook Puppets shoulder, "Puppet, it's time to wake up."

Puppet stired and finally opened their eyes.

"Hey." I said gently.

Puppet immediately clung to me and I chuckled. I picked them up and hugged them getting a huge smile in return. I immediately melted in cuteness. I looked over to Killer and noticed him taking a bunch of pictures. I didn't mind knowing I would have totally done the same thing in his place.

We both walked down the stairs and ate with the group. After breakfast I told everyone to come to the meeting room to discuss an important issue that had just come up. I walked with everyone to the meeting room and I told everyone about the stuff Killer had told me.

They all had a serious expression after I told them all. The kids looked really frightened but I thought it would be for the best if they knew about this. The table went completely silent and then everyone started speaking at once. Everyone was in a panic seeing as none of us had really gotten into a situation like this.

I slammed both of my hands on the table to quiet everyone down. Everyone immediately went silent and looked at me. I sighed and sat back down.

"We can't really do anything about this situation right now until we can get more information." I explained.

"Nightmare and Feelings would you mind being spies?" I asked.

"No." They both replied.

"Okay. I am going to send you to their AU to spy on them and also scout their base." I explained, "Killer gave me the location."

I opened a portal to the location that Killer gave me and gave them the devices that can tell me if they are hurt. They gave me a salute and walked into the portal and it shut on them. I know I can look into the Universes so why do I need a spy you may ask. It is because they blocked me from being able to do that somehow.

I really hope I am not making a mistake by sending them there.

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