A talk with Error

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I just finished watching Steven Universe, the Steven Universe Movie, and also the future series and oh my gosh I loved it.

Today I woke up with nothing in mind to do. I thought I would just go to a random Outertale Timeline to think about what has happened. I pondered on what to do with the Chaos Sanses. We should probably do an attack on them sometime and not them just attacking us but we need something to fight for so it does not end up in a failure either way. We need to wait and learn more.

I sat down at the edge of the cliff and sighed. I could not think of anything to do about that right now and it was just giving me a headache. I layed down and looked up to the sky. I felt someone sit down beside me and I shifted my gaze over. I noticed to was Error and he also seemed to be in thought so I lifted my gaze back to the stars to not interrupt him.

I heard him sigh and also lay down. We stayed there in silence for a while with our thoughts before turning to each other.

"So, what's on your mind?" I asked him.

"Like I would tell you anomaly." He replied.

"Says you anomaly." I said back.

Error grumbled and then replied, "Ink has been a problem. His memory is seeming to get worse as he is creating more and then accused me for destroying when he has not been creating. Nightmare and Dreams relationship is seeming to be going better knowing that there stuff is being caused by the Chaos Sanses but me and Inks-"

I sigh interrupting him, "You have been enemies from the very beginning. It makes sense that you two would be having the most problems."

"I guess, it is just annoying to be beat by Nightmare and Dream." Error grumbled.

I chuckle. Figures he would only see this as a competition and not an actual friendship thing.

"Just try your best." I said laying back down on the ground.

He also layed back down. I thought for a moment and sighed. I guess I could sacrifice a chocolate for the sake of happiness. I rummaged around in my pocket and pulled out a chocolate and handed him it. Error grumbled something about not taking gifts from anyone and to get stuff himself then he ripped the chocolate out of my hand.

I chuckled and he rolled his eyes and looked away probably giving a small smile himself. I was hoping I helped in some way. I sighed myself and looked up at the sky again.

"So why is an anomaly like you here?" Error asked.

"I have a lot on my mind lately. Especially about those dang Chaos Sanses." I replied.

"Those freaking idiots? They are nothing but a bunch of stupid anomalies that need their skulls slammed in" Error stated, shrugging.

I sat there and thought about that for a moment. This just made me think of putting Bugged in the dungeon but if I let him out he was most likely going to run back to the Chaos Sanses. This was hurting my brain a bit thinking about it more so I just cleared my thoughts and sighed. It wouldn't help to think about it right now.


I quickly looked behind me and noticed Outer. I sighed in relief and I heard Error do the same next to me. I pat the ground next to me and Outer takes the offer and sits down with us. We all sit there and stare at the sky. Outer brought snacks for us since he noticed we have been there for a while.

It was nice going out without any of the group members following or bugging me. It felt almost like a solo vacation and I really needed that right now. I smiled and gladly ate the snacks that Outer brought. Error grumbled until Outer pulled out a chocolate bar and Error snatched it out of his hands getting him to chuckle.

I got up and started to walk around. I could not just sit down all day could I. I went to get some Nicecream to get some walking in. I quickly bought the Nicecream and started to walk throughout Outertale. It was good to be out here with just my thoughts. Finally get some peace and quiet for once in my life.

I walked while licking my Nicecream just looking at the scenery to get away from my thoughts for a moment. No need to stress myself out about things right now. Everything is going to turn out all right in the end. I smiled to myself and started to skip along the pathways that led around the edge of the rocks the Monsters live on.

I stopped for a moment. I definitely was forgetting something important and I also noticed it was getting dark. I searched my head until I noticed that I did not tell anyone where I was going. They were probably worried sick. I should go back. I opened a portal quickly and as always found Bluecode and Trait fighting and trashing the castle. They looked at me, looked at each other, then stormed off.

When Dove noticed me however they yelled, "Miscode is back! I told you they were fine!"

Everyone rushed over to me and they seemed relieved to see me.

"You freaking jerk. You were gone all day and never told us where you were going." ND grumbled.

"You did worry all of us." Haven replied.

"I am fine see." I said.

They all gathered around smiling and then the day went on as usual.

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