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I made a Tumblr blog that I will actually be posting on called Ask-Miscode. I will be posting just random pictures and will also be answering asks.

After I lectured Curio about bringing the kids to an Unknown AU we quickly went to the room Bad was in to get treatment. I walked in and glitched when I noticed how badly Bad was really injured. Haven came in looking like he had some bad news.

"Is my bro going to be okay?" Curio asked.

"He will live but his leg seems to be completely torn off. It will not be able to heal." Haven explained, "Sorry for the news."

I looked down at Bad my anger rising against the people who did this. That anger turned into guilt and blaming. I should have been there. It was my fault I didn't notice earlier. I started to glitch more and I quickly teleported to the living room to get some space. I put my hands on my head. This was something I never wanted to see and it was my fault. My fault. My glitches seemed to increase at the rage for myself. The sound they were making was starting to get loud.

Haven seemed to guess where I have gone since he teleported to me a moment later. Or he heard my glitches. I don't really know. He went to sit next to me. He didn't do anything at first seemingly nervous too. Then he seemed to decide on something and started to rub my back. It did help to calm me down a bit but not much.

"Hey, It was not your fault. Everyone is going to be okay."

"But-" I started

"No buts." Haven interrupted, "It's the whole truth. It was all everyone's fault."

I thought about that for a moment and lifted my hands to rub my eyes. In all my glitching and anger I didn't notice I was crying so much. I rubbed my eyes until I stopped crying and took a deep breath in and out to calm myself. I gave a thankful smile to Haven and got up. Can't sit down and feel mad at myself all day. I have stuff to do. I then stand in place. Actually I don't have anything to do right now.

With this realization I sat back down thinking about what the heck I could do. Next thing I knew the door rang. I walked over and the Bad Sanses opened the door. They seemed to have heard the news from Horror since they seemed worried. I motioned them to come in and shut the door.

"Are the kiddos okay?" Horror asked.

"Well I found them... Bad lost a leg." I explained, lowering my head.

"Who did it?" Asked Nightmare.

He looked ready to murder someone.

"I don't know. You will have to ask the kids." I answered.

"That I will." Nightmare replied.

"Where is Bad?" Horror asked, "Can we see him?"

I nod and motion for them to follow. I led them through the corridors of the castle until we stopped at the room. I opened the door and they all ran to see the injuries. They all gasped. Horror and Nightmare seemed to flinch at the injuries which made sense. They were the two who most likely understood the injuries the best.

Nightmare seemed to be as mad as if he had been his own child which he practically is. I swear he spends so much time with Lumar. He stormed off pretty angry looking at the others quickly getting out of his way. Horror looked back to Bad seemingly wanting to do something but knowing he couldn't he turned around and also left the room.

Dust seemed to be looking at something probably his brother Phantom I am going to call him. He sighed. He seemed to be a bit awkward. He put his hands on his pockets and quickly walked out the door. I looked back at Bad hoping he would wake up soon. When he woke up I was thinking of doing a bit of fighting practice and sparring to help the kids know how to defend themselves.

I walked out of the room and heard the noise of arguing. I knew exactly who it was coming from.

We have guests over freaking... IDIOTS!


They don't stop of course. I am not in the room. I will be though. I teleported to them glitching and immediately hung them to the ceiling before they could do any big damage. I swear these two. Maybe I should make a timeout room just for the two of them. You know what, I am going to do just that.

I quickly got my screen up and made two empty rooms with locks that can only be accessed from the outside or my screen of course. This thankfully worked and I went to touch both the hanging skeletons. They were teleported to their rooms. I made sure the rooms were magic resistant so they couldn't do anything to get out.

I smiled. Perfect. I walked to the living room to see what was up and noticed that Curio was there they looked guilty. Probably thinking how he couldn't protect his brother. I quickly sat down next to him. As soon as he saw me he hugged me. I hugged back and rubbed his back. After a while he let go and gave a smile. I gave him a fist bump before going to the kids room.

Puppet was sitting on his bed seeming to be in the middle of a panic attack. Banda was being comforted by his bro. Bangle glared at me when I walked into the room. I ignored it and went to sit immediately by Puppet. I put my hand on his head and told him to take deep breaths. I talked him through it and he finally started to calm down a bit.

I smiled and patted him. He looked up giving his usual small smile. I sighed in relief glad that his panic attack was over. It was getting late anyway. I called all the kids in for bed and Curio came on his own not needing to be called anymore. I tucked them all in and went to my room to get some very needed sleep.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now