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Via the Undernet Protocol Nightmare texted us that we were having a group meetup in Outertale. He told me it was for the kid introductions. He also warned me that some of my group might also have some kiddos of them all. The meetup was scheduled for tomorrow morning. It was a day off of school for the kids.

I was quite excited when I woke up. It was the day of the wedding. Everyone seemed to be excited especially me and Kills. All the groups except me and Killer have left already. I was guessing to help set up the wedding. Both me and Killer were going to surprise each other with our dress.

I walked out of the room at the same time as Killer. We both couldn't help but stare for a moment then looked away quickly not wanting to make each other uncomfortable. We walked down the stairs and out the door. We teleported to the wedding location and everyone was there. At least all the adults were. They wanted to keep the children for the meet up.

I looked around the area. It was a giant flower field with a giant tree in the middle of it. The arch was right underneath the tree. It was extremely pretty, a perfect place for a wedding. I walked around with Killer for a while to wait for the guests to show up.

It took a few minutes for the rest of the guests to show up. There were lot of guests that showed up. I was especially surprised when Carrot, Geno, Blueberror, and Reaper showed up. Roo came to deliver the last of the food and decided to stay after because he was just sent on break.

I went over to the refreshments table where most of the guests were to listen into some of the conversations. It seemed that nothing really interesting had been going on. I overheard how Error had broken the contract with Ink destroying another AU but Error argued that he was not the one who did it. Ink had not been very happy. He though Error was the culprit and it broke into a fight.

At least they did not bring the other members into the conflict because that might have broken a few other contracts. Nightmare and Dream seem to be trying to keep in contract but their relationship was still not very good. Though the relations between the Star and Bad Sanses were definitely improving.

There has been some speculation that the Chaos Sanses were the culprit behind the incident with Ink and Error. I joined in the conversation agreeing with them and promising to try and help solve the problem. I was supposed to keep balance between everything in the Multiverse after all.

I started noticing that other non godlike sans were starting to think of me like a god. Kinda like Nightmares situation. He is a god but does not think himself as one. I feel like I am in the same boat. A god of Balance who does not act or think they are a god.

Once we could tell everyone was ready we called everyone to the arch to get the wedding ceremony done. We both walked up to the arch when it was our time and Haven acted as the Marrage Officiant.

He said all the official stuff and then the oaths were said. We both of course said yes. We then kissed.

After we broke everyone started clapping and congratulating us. We then had some after activies. Me and Killer decided to do a bit of sparring and of course we drew a bit crowd. Everyone cheered when I hit Killer on his back and pointed a bone at his neck. I helped him back up.

He laughed saying, "Man! I am still no match for you."

I laughed and said, "I am no match for you when it comes to small projectiles."

"Yep, No one can best me in knife throwing." He answered proudly.

We played a few more games like bean bag tosses and a few puzzle games. I was much better at them then Killer was I noticed but it was always super difficult to beat Dust. Blue was actually one of the strongest among the Sanses along with Nightmare, Cross, and Haven. All that royal guard training was paying off.

After everything they started a dance. I was horrible at dancing and so was Killer so we just stayed near the table to eat. This helped us know who was with who though.

Error and Blueberror, Nightmare and Lunar, Dream and Haven, Dove and Bird who I just noticed, surprisingly Moon and Carrot, Killer and Me of course, Horror and Roo, Dust and Trait, Bluecode and another glitch that I did not recognize, ND and Feelings, Geno and Reaper, Ink and also another skeleton I did not recognize.

Wait one moment I might actually recognize that skeleton with Ink.

I walked up to him and asked, "What is your name?"

"I am Black." He replied with a too low voice.

Black was a full black skeleton with horns and a very spiky tail. Demon like wings and some very demon-like features. This was a Sans created by a close friend of mine that I forgot about until now. He was also the god of demons. The one that I knew did not know someone called Dark though. He seemed in a bad mood and I guessed I knew why.

"Dark is hanging in Nights shadow." I say pointing to them.

I guessed that Dark did not notice him yet because of the similarities in the two of their souls. Black ran over to Night and as soon as he was close enough Dark flew out of Nights shadow and tried to tackle Black. Instead he flew right through him and into another shadow.

Black laughed and Dark laughed along with him. I then walked towards them and asked bluntly, "Would you like to join my group."

Dark also told him, "I think it would be a good idea."

"Well if Dark says so. Sure at least for now." Black answered.

I nod and the after-party ended and I portaled us back to the castle.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now