Haven's Day

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I thought I could help out more of the story by switching the point of view. I am going to have a day for each of my OCs in this book to show a bit more of there lives when Miscode's is a bit bored and he has nothing to write down. I may make more than one for each character. I don't know yet.

This is exciting and new to me too. I wonder what my Subordinates have been up to.

I got up and quickly got ready for the day early as usual to help Dove to make breakfast. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen greeting Dove with a bright smile. I immediately got started cooking some eggs and bacon and Dove started on toast and got the table set up. Dove as usual was super loud and talkative. I wondered how he did not wake everyone else up. I was happy to talk to him though.

Once I heard everyone get down the stairs and Dove finished setting the table we both yelled "Time to eat!"

Everyone was there for a few minutes and boss gave the go to start eating. We all talked as usual about things we have been doing and some interests that we have. Meal times had to be one of my favorite times of the day since this is when we all just get together and talk casually.

After the breakfast I got the go ahead from boss to go to my AU. He helped me get there by opening a portal. As soon as I got out of the portal I immediately stepped into the castle to look for brother. I found him quickly at his favorite pondering spot and sat down with him.

I looked around to make sure no one was listening and whispered, "Any update on father?"

Brother shook his head, "No, not a single thing."

We both look down and I could tell my Brother was not in a very good mood but he perks up and changed the subject, "So how's being an important member to a Multiversal Team?"

"Pretty good. My teammates are great except for two who keep fighting. The boss is awesome." I answered.

"Good you like your new boss." Brother replied, "Undyne is getting increasingly strict on our routines."

"You are the royal guard and they would be more strict after what happened with father." I explained.

"Right..." Papyrus sighed, "I can't believe father did something like that."

I could see my brother getting sad so I try and cheer him up, "The Great Papyrus is doing a great job and has been accepted as a royal guard!"

"Nyeh! Your right brother I can not be down now!" Papyrus said.

"There's the Paps I know." I said, smiling.

We laughed for a bit.

"Thanks for that brother." Papyrus thanked.

"No problem." I replied, "Since you're on break do you want to go out for something to eat with the others?"

"That's a great idea Sans!" Papyrus said, then he suddenly got serious"Not grillby's."

"Okay. How about we just go to that small shop at the side of town then." I asked.

"That sounds fine brother." Papyrus answered.

We called Alphys and Mettaton and luckily both were free. When we got there they were already waiting for us. We ordered some food and set up a picnic.

"So Alph, how have you been?" I asked.

"B-better." Alphys replied, "S-still trying to get over G-gasters banishment. H-he was my teacher after a-all."

"We all miss father." Papyrus said looking down.

"Well darlings, why don't we start to eat already." Mettaton said.

Everyone stopped talking to begin to eat all in thought. Everyone missed Gaster but I don't think anyone missed him more than myself. Why did he start that stupid experiment and why did he have to assassinate Asgore. What was father thinking? I hid my thoughts with my regular smile a mask I always had on. I smiled so much that it was practically glued onto my face.

Alphys changed the subject to her next experiment. After learned that the Multiverse was real she had been making a portal to connect Universes. So far every attempt has failed but I feel she is getting closer. Undyne stopped hanging out with her after becoming the leader of the royal guard. It really had an impact on her even though she tries to hide it.

"I bet it will work next time Alph." I encouraged.

"Y-you said that t-ten times already." Alphys replied frowning.

I stopped talking seeing that it was upsetting Alphys a bit. Nothing has been the same ever since Gaster was banished to the lower world where this worlds humans dwelt. I felt really bad for Alph. I hope father is doing alright down there. He has to be, He is strong I say in my mind to convince myself he is fine.

I put on my smile again and the others smile back at me thinking my smile was to try and cheer everyone up. It was that but also to try and cheer up myself. After we all ate they started to ask questions about my work.

"S-so what's the o-other universes like?" Alphys asked.

"Very different." I answered, "It's weird having murderous versions of yourselves."

"Wait murders?" Papyrus asked.

"Most of my AUs are murderers. Child Murderers in fact. But they have good reasons. I am glad we haven't met our version of Frisk yet" I explained.

"If you darling are glad we haven't met this Frisk it must be pretty darn important." Mettaton said.

I nod. We talk a bit more about the AUs before I had to go back to Boss's castle. I said goodbye to everyone and went back to the castle by pressing on the device Boss gave me for portalling to the castle. Dove had to set up dinner all by themselves today and I felt bad for not being able to help.

Everyone sat down to another talkative dinner and we all went to sleep.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now