A Quite Day

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Things kinda settled down and went back to normal except Bad being super braggy about his battle scar. He has become kind of unbearable because it's like the conversation he always comes back to. I swear he has taken too much pride in his missing leg. I don't know how he is not thinking of it in a bad way. He does have a cool story to tell to his kids once he has some of his own.

That made me wonder how the Multiverse will adapt to the new generation of protectors and gods. I hope everything will go smoothly with new destroyers and protectors. It's kinda been stuck in my mind lately and I don't know how it even popped up. The thought occurred after Bad got injured. I am very worried about the kids. They have some big roles to fill.

As I pondered Feelings snuck up on me and smacked the back of my head. I rubbed the back of my head and looked over to Feelings.

"Oi, what was that for!?" I yelped.

Feelings shrugged and answered, "Felt the urge to and you seemed in thought. What's troubling you?"

"Well I have been thinking about what the kids would have to do in the future and the Multiverse adapting to the new gods, protectors, and destroyers," I explained.

"Well there is nothing we can do about it right now except to train them. Plus don't you trust in your own kids?" Feelings asked.

"I do... I am just worried. They could do with some training in their own subjects," I said, "All gods and other beings in that sort of category should teach their kids their jobs so that there are others who can replace them once they are gone or at least someone that will be well suited to the role."

"Exactly what everyone is doing. See things will turn out fine," Feelings encouraged, "You may want to do classes right after school at least once a week for your kids too."

Feelings pat my shoulder to help reassure me then walked off. I sat there in thought for a moment. I had nothing to do but think right now. Today was quieter than usual because mostly everyone was either with their families or visiting their AUs so I was alone in the castle with the exceptions of ND and Feelings. Even Neko and #678 were out today. Don't really know what they are doing and don't really want to know.

I was extremely bored and had nothing fun I could think of doing. I turned on the TV to the Multiverse News channel to see if anything else happened. It seems like this guy named Insans, a human who I took no mind of remembering their name, and an interesting version of Alphys called Alive were fighting this huge Gaster. That made me think of my Gaster and it made me a bit sad. I watched the whole thing and saw some very surprising things before they finally finished the fight.

I turned off the TV a little disappointed that Insans has turned a new leaf. I had watched all the live videos about Insans and Alive. I thought they were an interesting bunch. Did not really go to any of their Mettaton's shows though and kinda regret it. I might go to the next one if the shows continue. I thought about recruiting Insans to help delete or capture more Frisks, Glitches, and other stuff like that, but it seems like that is not the case with him anymore. Too bad.

I slumped into the couch again with nothing to do so I decided to go back to old hobbies and go Universe Surfing with my one way portals. I switched through Universes until I found one that interested me at least a little. It seemed to be an interesting universe in my opinion and was a lot different than most universes in the sense that the monsters in this universe were space explorers and did not originate from earth.

I sat their watching them for a long while kinda lost in their adventures. I made sure to write down the number of this universe so I could watch them again. I might visit them in the future. I wonder if they have learned about the Multiverse or Alternative Universes yet. I flicked my hand and the one way portal desolved. I took out a book and started to read while Feelings and his family seemed to join.

Feelings climbed up to me and asked, "find anything interesting?"

"Yeah, there is this universe where the monsters are not from earth. We seem to be able to travel to different planets in that Universe," I explained.

"Okay I got admit that that sounds amazing," Feelings admitted.

"I know right! We should totally visit them sometime," I responded.

Feelings smiled and climbed up to my shoulder to read with me. We read until everyone else had come back and that ment it was already dinner time. I sighed noticing I completely forgot about lunch. Oh well, it does not really matter. I got down and went to the dinner table. I quickly asked how everyones day was which I was met by many positive answers. I smiled glad that everyone has had a good day.

After dinner I checked up on the kids and Killer who went to spend the day at Nightmares. Bad's ego had somehow increased probably due to being around Lumar. I swear he is a Bad influence. Before going to bed I went through my journal to remind me of what has happened and important things I may have forgotten. Then I finally went to bed.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt