Catching Up

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I entered the meeting room and told the kids to stay outside and enter when I told them too. I wanted to surprise the gang.

I opened the meeting with "I have some people I would like you meet. You can come in now."

My four kids walked into the room and stood next to me Puppet quickly ran to me and hugged me clearly not liking the attention on them still holding there puppets. I pat their head. Bad was looking away trying to look strong again I would say. Curio was looking around the room and people with clear interest.

As I was about to explain Drop jumped onto the table and announced "We are Miscodes kids! I am Drop!"

"You can call me Curio."


"P-p-puppet" Puppet stuttered then immediately shoved there face in my leg clearly embarrassed. 

I picked them up and they buried there head in my shirt and I stroked there skull to try and calm him down.

"You owe us an explanation." Bluecode said crossing there arms.

"I was getting to that. I had a fight with Error and Killer and this is where the kiddos came from." I explained.

Seems like they were fine with that answer and calmed down.

"They are part of my family so please treat them with respect." I say.

They all nodded and I ended the meeting.

I looked over to my kids and realized I knew nothing about them. I scratched my head not knowing what to do. I quickly decided to give them a tour of the castle and see what they do. Then maybe I can play a get to know you game or something with them. I looked over to the kiddos and put Puppet down. I quickly realized they needed a room.  I decided to put them all in the same room and used one of the large empty rooms that was right next to my room and started to code them there own room. After I was done coding I put down the coding screen and looked back to my kiddos. I smiled as the two twins were play fighting with each other while Drop was hugging Puppet.

"Do you want to have a tour around your new home?" I asked.

Curio stopped and looked at me excitedly, "YES!"

Everyone else gave a some sort of yes.

I chuckled "Then lets go!"

I am only going to go over the interesting bits. We teleported to the entry and started there. Curio was interested in everything. When we got to the kitchen Drop and Bad immediately ran to the knives. I knew I could not stop them and knew that it might be good for them to practice with the knives anyways.

"You can keep those for now but I can get you some real fighting knives later." I said.

The two looked at me happily and Drops smile widened a little too much. I laughed as Drop really did look like killer.

As we were walking one of the hallways Drop threw the knife at Trait and it landed right next to his head and he laughed at the expression that he made at almost getting cut by it. Drop may be a prankster. I also snickered a bit. Seems like Drop is a natural while Bad does not seem to be able to throw it but does toss it probably to look stronger and cooler.

Puppet just seems scared by everything and I felt bad and worried for the little guy. He will not let go of his Puppets no matter what. Curio is just super adventurous and curious about everything. He has climbed on top of things that made me nervous when I looked elsewhere for a minute.

When they got to there room they were all excited by this even Puppet. I smiled as they all picked there beds and areas of the room kind of surprised they did not fight about anything. I smiled as I got out a story from the bookshelf and sat on Puppets bed. I read the book and stroked Puppets head until they all went to sleep. Puppet was still hugging his Puppets. He was the hardest to get to sleep because he was scared of every shadow. I shut the door quietly and went to my room. I plopped onto my bed thinking about everything that had occurred and slowly went to sleep myself.

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