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I woke up and stretched like usual but immediately noticed I was not in my castle. I surveyed my surroundings and noticed that I was in a completely white room that had cameras looking at everything in it. It had a simple bed and a counter but that was all. The door had this strange powerful lazers blocking it.

I tried to open up the code but it seemed most of it was blocked. I couldn't even see the name of the AU I was in. I grumbled and immediately thought about my kids. Were they okay? I immediately got up and started to look for any weakness in the room I was in.

After a while of searching and coming up with nothing I threw my strings which seemed to be working normaly and made a hammoke to swing in. To pass the time I made some things from my strings. I went up to the lazers to try and check them but it had the same result as trying to see the AU.

After a little more time of being bored out of my mind someone came into the room. They had some kind of orange jumpsuit on with a logo reading ACC (Anomalous Creature Containment.) I grumbled. Was this an AU like the SCP foundation. I hoped not.

I looked at the girl and when she did not do anything I asked "Well? Do you need something?"

The girl looked back at me awkwardly, "Not really. They just threw me in here."

I sighed, "Do you know where my kids are *explained what kids look like.*)

The girl looked up and after seeing a reply from the person above behind the screen of my box she said, "They are in the next few rooms left."

"I swear if anything happened to them." My eyes started to glow brighter and I caught her soul in my strings pulling them a little to tighten them, "I will make sure you would have never wanted to be born."

I let her go and she gasped. I went back to sitting on my hammock and worked on a Puppet because they seemed to somehow not find my supplies hidden on me.

The girl just stood there awkwardly until she was asked to leave the room. I barely noticed when someone else walked into the room bringing lunch food and they sat on the table and the chair closest to the exit. I got up getting the message and plopped myself down on the chair opposite.

"Hello, I am doctor Christopher and I will be doing your interviews." The doctor introduced himself.

"You can call me Miscode." I answered.

"Oh, so he is the leader of the Balance Sanses." Christopher said to himself.

"Yeah." I answered, "So what do you want to ask?"

"What are your group's goal?"

"To keep balance and peace in the Multiverse."

"What are your powers?"

"That is a really personal question that I would rather not answer."

"You don't-"

"You really want to screw yourself over huh." I growled.

He stopped himself and cleared his throat, "Where are you from?"

I stopped. My AU did not have a name and heck no was I going to tell the guy coordinates, "My castle"

"That was all the main questions I wanted to ask." Christopher immediately got up and went out the door as fast as possible.

I sighed and sat down. How long were we going to be stuck there? Just then Puppet was able to blast through the wall with a Gaster Blaster. I looked at him shocked but then thought they might have put some less restrictions on his room since he was so young.

"Mom! I was so scared." Puppet ran to me and gave me a big hug. I immediately comforted him by rubbing his back. His crying turned to a sniffle and I walked into his room. Well this is going to be an easy breakout. We do need to find the others before we go.

I walked into Puppets room and as I thought most of my magic came back and I blasted through the next three rooms easily after making sure the kids were not in the way using their souls. They all ran to me and hugged me even the no touch Bad.

The alarms did start to go off and I quickly blasted through as many of the rooms as possible before the humans came. Which was one more blast or four rooms. These rooms contained Banda, Bangle, Dove, and Haven. The humans then blocked us but I just blasted through them killing them all.

This surprised Dove and Haven them never seeing me like this before. Once I got everyone within reach and killed more than one hundred humans I portaled back to the castle. Someone managed to fall through the portal with us and I glared at them. It was Doctor Christopher.

"Why don't we put them in the dungeon. We haven't found any use for it yet." Bluecode suggested.

"We could." Trait said smiling.

"You guys are thinking of something horrific aren't you. Fine." I answered.

The two of them cheered and dragged doctor Christopher over to the secret jail entrance. They probably did something bad to them for killing someone and they wanted payback. I will let them do them and go to bed. I went and ate a quick dinner and then went to my room. I was able to fall straight to bed.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant