AU explanations

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Warning: Super long chapter.


Story: Humanoid monsters and other monsters used to live in peace but a war broke out between them. The other monsters lost and their land was taken. They fled deep into a forest hoping not to found again.

Humanoid Monsters: these monsters are much more human than monsters. They have normal skin and stuff. They are more like humans with animal attachments, vampires, stuff like that.

Places: There are no ruins because they had to move. Snowdin town was normal until one of Gasters experiments blew up. It is a normal town that has weird weather. It always acts like it is winter. Waterfall is an outside and cave like environment. It just surrounds a waterfall. The outdoor part is super wet but really normal. The cave behind the waterfall is always dripping and soaking wet. Hotland is inside the mountain behind the waterfall going into a volcanic area full of lava. After the hotland and below Alphys lab is the true lab like in the original but even more horrific. The core does not exist and instead the core is a huge power factory that no one enters and does not need to be entered. The king and queens home is in the middle of it all.

The story of Chara and Asriel: Asriel being the son of the king and queen did not have many friends even with his great personality. He was at very happy playful child but was very polite a little too polite. Chara being an adopted child with abusive parents fled from home into the forest. There they stumbled upon Asriel picking golden flowers. Asriel seeing the state of Chara brought him home and the king and queen happily adopted the kid. Chara and Asriel grew up happily but one day they ventured too far into the forest and never came back. Alphys finding a lost piece of Asriels soul put it on a flower with the help of determination creating flowey. Once Frisk ventured into the monsters area and saved the game. From there determination Chara was reborn as a lost soul and followed Frisk around everywhere.

Gaster: Miscode and Papyrus's father. With a red stripe across his face, black Glasses, pink insides and blue eyelights. Gaster is a focused scientist who focuses on a special type of physics, quantum physics. He is super outgoing and talkative about his research. He really believes that AUs and Timelines exist but no one believes him. He is super kind to everyone.

Herman: Gasters wife. She cares for all the housework and does not really like Gasters research but deals with it. She can be really pervasive and scary. She can make Gaster do many things. She is super sweet to the children but makes sure to keep them in check. She is a very mother bear type personality. Herman also has purple insides but has pink eye lights. She also has a tail.

Miscode: Miscode when not glitched is a white skeleton with a red stripe across the face, purple inside and pink eye lights. When glitched after staying in the Anti-Void he is a black skeleton with a red stripe across the face, purple insides, pink eye lights, and purple yarn going down from his eyes. He also has a tail.

Papyrus: Papyrus still has a super important scarf. Has light grey glasses, one eye like Gasters and one eyes like Herman's. Acts super happy and energetic but is truly depressed. He remembers resets and if not for Miscode killing the human right away when he sees them kill them he would be the one to do gudgment and has done it a few times. He is obsessed with lasagna. Still has his Nyeh heh heh laugh. Papyrus believes in his father's experiments and helps. Papyrus is a super nerd about anime thanks to Alphys. Undyne comes to spar with Papyrus. He can dodge. He still is the brother with the most HP. He is super protective of Miscode.

Alphys: Alphys is still mostly the same but does have a blind eye. Still an Anime nerd. Alphys is a lot more serious about stuff and stutters a lot less then the og. Alphys is the one that is like Gasters in this AU doing soul experiments and hurts other with the experiments. Alphys is good friends with Gaster and comes over a lot to help Gaster. Alphys is also a great doctor. Alphys does look a bit more psychotic and has some pretty awesome fangs.

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