OC List

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There are a lot of OCs that I am thinking of using. I will update the list once they pop up in the story. Also, I love the idea of animations, memes, fanart, and fanfics, and don't mind if you use any of my stories or OCs in them if you give me credit. I wouldn't mind if you send me a link to them either. I wanted to write this real quick so you knew what I thought.

Anyways here is the list for now

Feelings: Feelings is very kind but quiet. He will however attack back if he is attacked. He can feel all emotions and can get overloaded in large crowds. He avoids any kind of meetings or parties because he gets overloaded with emotions super easily. Feelings tries to help as many people as they can. Half of his soul is hate but he can control it. He looks kind of like Dream but with one eye covered in hate like Killer. His hand and feet are completely covered in hate. He has three halo-like rings that get smaller the further up you go. The first ring is yellow, the second is black and dripping with hate, and the third and last ring is also yellow and can glow. He has a crown like Dreams but one side is yellow and the other is black. He does have tentacles of hate like Nightmare. He is practically a fusion between Dream and Nightmare. He uses a bow like Dream and can use his tentacles or dual-wielding swords. Also very good at normal magic attacks.

ND: ND has two different personalities Night and Day. You can tell which one is in control by the eye that is open. Night and Day do not remember what happens when the other is in control so they keep a journal to keep each other informed. Night is extremely rude and yells a lot. He is angry all the time. Night always has knives on him and uses them as his main attacking method. Night likes sneak attacks. Day on the other hand is super kind and super quiet. He will not fight and will try and peacefully resolve the fight. He can only use magic and no weapons. His look is split in half with light and dark colors. He is always wearing a coat like the one Classic Sans wears (but with different colors of course) with Night always keeping the hood on and Day has it always off. The coloration of his bones is split right in half vertically. One side is black while the other is white. His eyelight on the black side is missing while on the white side, his eyelight is yellow. ND has a skinny tail that is also split across the middle in color. I completely forgot to metion that Night has hate coming out of his eye.

Copycat: Copycat can become anyone that they touch. He also gains that person's powers. He is a very extreme trickster. People often feel nervous around him even if they know him. He never stays in one place for too long and does not have a home. He can see code and has a code vision he can turn on and off. He always offers a handshake when meeting someone to touch them as soon as possible. It takes them a couple of minutes to fully turn into someone else. Copycat is very unpredictable. Copycat can steal and copy code but only small bits of it. He copy's strange code and collects it. He does not glitch in other forms. Copycat has a grey stripe across his face about as big as Miscode's. One eyelight is blue and the other is red. He has a black x going through his eyelights. His clothing is very monochrome. He also glitches and occasionally just crashes with no reason for it.

Dove: Dove is very active and loves flying. Dove trips a lot. His wings can deflect attacks. He can be a little annoying and very clingy. He loves flying more than walking definitely. He can fly higher than clouds. Dove just because I feel like it can walk on clouds. Dove has light blue eyelights and white super feathery wings. Dove mainly uses magic to attack.

Vector: Vector is always calm no matter what happens. He can speak through others minds no matter where they are in the Multiverse. He can be very clumsy. Vector talks in a different way than most others. You will know what I mean if he comes into the story. Vector mainly uses mind magic and other mind tricks to attack. He can also use a long sword and regular skeleton magic. He has a third eye that can see people's intent and a few other things. His two regular eyes are black and gloopy with hate but it does not run all the way down his face. His third eye has a white eyelight and a red slit in the middle of it. He has a long large tail. He can be lazy and never moves his mouth and instead uses telepathy to speak. I forgot to mention that he has a super skinny long tail. At the end it has three floating triangles at the end of it. One right after the end of the tail and the other down and to either side a bit more and facing away diagonaly from the tail.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now