The Guests Arive

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The next morning I woke up ecstatic. Today was the party day but we of course set it to be later in the evening to go with the style we planned. I was done sending out the invitations to the party and was wondering how well the others set up.

I walked down the main room where we will be hosting the ball and noticed that things were on track. If things keep on track they would be all ready when people start coming. He knew that the bad and Star Sanses were coming and that some other people were coming so they wouldn't need to worry about getting no visitors.

Dove and Haven were working on the food since they were the best cooks that were not bitties. The bitties would have a hard time making full sized meals. The kids were surprisingly up already and I learned that Killer had stayed the night to help with preparations.

I was happy that everyone was working so hard on the party preparations. We are a quick breakfast then everyone went back to work. I wondered what I could help with. After looking and asking everyone I helped to move furniture around. Before you say why am I not using code to set everything up? Everyone insisted that they do it for a change.

After a while of moving furniture and putting up some decorations I took a lunch break and made sure that everyone stopped to eat and take a break too. After a while dinner came and we ate quickly.

Soon the time came for the party to start we set out the snacks and finished with some small details. We then officially opened the castle to all AUs with my code and waited for the guests to arrive.

The Sans started to pore in after I opened the gates. The Sans who came were probably also invited by Nightmare and Ink's group explaining why there were so many. Everyone was wearing their fancy clothes and masks as asked by the invitation. I haven't seen any of my group in their costumes yet nor have they me. We were not supposed to know after all.

I could easily tell who my group was when they also came in. They are my group after all. I could also easily recognize a few of the Sans like Nightmare, Reaper and of course Kills. Some of them were a lot harder to recognize though because they wore more things to make them harder to recognize.

Killer was actually doing that to but I knew him too well to not know that is was him. I myself made sure my dress was super formal and fancy most than the others. It was the party I made after all. I also couldn't recognize myself in the mirror with everything I put on but everyone knew immediately that it was me because of how I dressed.

I watched the ball from the viewing deck not having anyone to dance with. I watched the kids run around everyone causing quite a bit of chaos. Puppet was clinging to me not liking all the people around. Curio was talking to the others curious about where they came from. Bad was sitting near the side. He would rather be alone. Drop was running all over the place while causing chaos were ever he went.

Nightmare bitty was watching from the chandelier making sure nothing bad happened along with Night. Feelings was away because they could not handle being in the room with so many people. I haven't caught the others in the crowd yet.

There were Sans from every side of the Multiverse. There were so many I actually had to extend the halls size with code while the party was happening which led to some surprised skeletons. It was kinda funny seeing there faces. I wondered if I should join in already. I sighed not really knowing what to do.

While I was not paying attention Killer snuck up behind me and touched my shoulder "Boo!"

I jumped at the sudden touch and close up noise. Killer laughed at my reaction and I huffed.

"What are you doing up here alone like this?" Killer asked.

I paused to think, "It feels overwhelming."

Killer stood in thought for a moment then suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs with him. He immediately went to the refreshments table and grabbed a snack for himself. He probably went there just to make me feel better.

"It's not so bad right?" Killer asked.

"Yeah, your right." I replied.

I also grabbed a snack and ate it with Killer. Killer seemed to be enjoying himself and I guess I was now too.

We talked about what was happening at both of our places lately and when I told him Puppet was the one who saved me he laughed and said, "That kid is one tough cookie."

"You can say that again." I replied.

After a while of eating snacks a slow song came on. I could feel Killers smile widen through his mask. I wondered what he was thinking.

Killer got down on one knee and held out his hand making it as extravagant as possible and asked, "May I dance with you."

"S-sure." I answered.

I was a blushing mess as I took Killers hand and he dragged me to the center of the hall. I started of the dance and repeated the steps in my mind not wanting to mess this up. Soon we were flying over the floor with the others watching us. After the song ended everyone clapped and I hid my head with my hands in embarrassment.

"Your quite the dancer." Killer complemented.

"Thanks Kills." I replied.

After that the party ended and everyone was sent home. I fell asleep feeling accomplished I did have that weird feeling in my chest from back when I was dancing with Killer though.

Reborn as my Sans OC from UndermonsterWhere stories live. Discover now