Q&A Is Open

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Q&A is now open! You can ask any of the characters anything you would like or even interact with them. Please put the characters name before your question so I know who you are asking.  I will add separate Q&A chapters and they will not be a part of the original story. These Q&A chapters are more like a separate story where your questions will change the course of the original story. The Q&A chapters will start from the last chapter. If you have anymore questions please ask them here too.

Also I have a Tumblr and Deviantart account. I will not be posting on them very much and they are more for you guys to do fanart. If you put #Miscodesansfs then I will be able to find them easier. If you ask why I am not using other social media accounts it is because my parents have forbidden me from using them. So sorry if any of this sounds wrong this is the first time I am doing something like this. I guess I do also have Pinterest now.

The two realities have officially clashed together. The viewers can now become part of the story.

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