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As soon as he was out of the car, he ran into the hospital as if he was running a marathon. Some of the patient's and nurses' eyes widen on seeing the idol dash into the hallways as he made his way to a certain ward.

Upon reaching it, he pushed the door open, walked inside and he almost broke into tears, seeing you on that bed, so vulnerable, but he was glad you weren't alone. 

Your soulmates had kept you company, had given you affection, had held you, and never once moved away since they got there. They kept whispering soft words to you, they kept trying to kiss your scars.

Your eyes widen when you see Seungmin who stood at the door, tears making their way slowly out of his eyes. Your heart was aching to see him and now that you did, you almost wanted to move your legs and run to him.

"Minnie..." You mumbled and Seungmin walked over to you, sadly smiling when he heard his name being muttered in your beautiful voice. 

The other boys stepped away a bit and looked at each other before nodding. They knew you both needed some time together, alone, so they decided to wait outside for a bit. 

After the boys went outside, Minnie stepped closer to you, sitting on the side of the bed, and looked down at your sad and hurt eyes. 

He gently reached his hand to hold yours. His hands were cold from being outside in the light snow, but to your touch, they warmed up immediately. He caressed your skin with his thumb before bringing it close to his face.

"My little snowflake..." He muttered before gently pressing his lips on your palms and he sobbed, warm tears falling onto your skin from his eyes.

Your eyes softened on seeing your soulmate cry, and you got teary once more.

"Before I do anything else... baby... I need to fix something" He then muttered before leaning down, edging his face closer to yours. He gently kissed your cheek and wiped away a tear that trailed down your cheeks.

He looked into your eyes, seeing a small frozen snowflake deep inside your soul. It was hurting you, he knew it.

He gently caressed your cheek and slowly leaned a bit closer, your lips almost touching. 

"Fate chose you for me... and I chose you for me too... I accept you, my snowflake" He muttered softly before finally pressing his lips on yours, closing his eyes.

With the kiss, you felt as if a candle burst into flames inside you. 

As if fireworks burst inside you.

As if stars and raindrops fell from the heavens just for you. 

The touch of his lips on yours melted the snowflake, and you felt a warm sensation all over your body, almost forgetting the bruises you had, forgetting what you went through that night. 

You felt okay. You felt complete. 

Seungmin added more passion to the kiss as he gently held your cheeks, pressing his lips with even more affection, giving you wild flutters. He wanted to say so many things, and he wanted to say it in a single kiss before using his words.

After a short while, he slowly pulled away and looked into your eyes softly. His eyes glistened lightly as he looked at you. 

You open your eyes too and as you do, a small gasp escaped your lips, seeing his face and your surroundings in more vibrant colors. 

You teared up once more as you looked into Seungmin's eyes. Your soulmate looked just as broken as you were.

"Baby I'll never ever leave your side again... I-I... I shouldn't have... I just... I shouldn't have..." Seungmin choked on his words as he tried to hold in his sobs. You held his cheeks softly, your lips quivering slightly.

"I-I hurt you... I... I don't deserve you..." Seungmin sniffled, looking down and your chest tightened at his words. He regretted everything, especially hurting you more while you were already in pain.

"You do deserve me, Minnie... you do..." You whispered to him, wiping his tears as you leaned closer to his face gently. 

He looked into your eyes, swallowing dry before holding your face delicately too. "But I hurt you..." he muttered sadly and your expression softened even more.

"I hurt you too... but it was all a misunderstanding..." You whispered and Seungmin held in tears, looking into your eyes, almost getting lost in the image of beautiful shining pearls in the water he saw in your shimmering eyes.

"You were hurt Minnie... we're human... we make mistakes.." You said, running a hand through his slightly messy brown hair. "So please... help me heal... and I'll help you heal too..." You mumbled.

Seungmin's tears paused for a moment as he leaned closer and hugged you, his arms wrapping around your body delicately. 

He loved you so much and he just couldn't comprehend how understanding you were, without crying. It was the one thing he did wrong, and his little snowflake was doing it. You knew you needed him. He knew he needed you too.

"Alright... we'll all heal... together..." He muttered as he held you close and placed his face on your shoulder, sighing softly now that he was holding you. 

He was glad to be holding you. 

He was glad you let him hold him. 


Now prepare for very VERI intense fluff and some smut and a BIG surprise Yall will probably love and laugh about- SO there's still gonna be umm... some more chapters lol 👹
(Don't ask me how many cause I once said this book will be 30 chapters long-)

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