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"I have somewhere... special I want to take you," Changbin said softly as he placed the empty plates back in the basket after the two of you were done with the food.

The candles on the mat had shrunk significantly over time but still illuminated around you. 

He edged closer to you, gently holding your chin, looking into your eyes, and smiled. 

"But I need you to close your eyes, okay princess?" His voice was soft, and he had a grin on his face. You could see the excitement in his eyes as you looked at them; he really had it all planned for tonight.

"Okay" You mumbled softly, smiling at your soulmate, and he leaned closer once more, softly pecking your lips before pulling away. The softness of his lips felt just right, even though it was merely for two seconds that you felt it.

"Close your eyes the-" Changbin was cut off when the noise of a big bush ruffling filled the air. Your eyes widened too as you heard it, and both of you shot your head at the bush in unison. 

For a moment the noise disappeared and just as you let out a sigh, it ruffled again. Changbin's breath hitched for a moment, realizing that some wild animal could be behind the bushes. Maybe the food had lured something to the both of you.

He moved even closer to you, pulling you into his arms. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to his chest and you can hear his quick heartbeat as he held you tight, in a protective way.

"W-What's that?..." You manage to whisper out and Changbin only hushed when the bush went silent to your voice once more. 

Whatever it was in there seemed to be dead-silent for a while until the bush shook again, the ruffling sound even louder than before. 

And then all of a sudden, it lunged out. 

Changbin flinched and you yelped. 

The both of you froze for a moment as you held eye- contact with the creature. 

Its dark black eyes stared deep into your soul as it slowly made its way toward the two of you and then... it let out a tiny squeak.

"Wait..." You gasped when it stood up on two legs and started to clean its face with its small hands, cutely. "It's just tiny Jisung!" You exclaimed, letting out a relieved sigh and your soulmate raised an eyebrow, not really expecting you to say that just then.

Changbin narrowed his eyes at the small creature; a small chipmunk who looked at him with his curious dark eyes. And then he saw it too. Its fluffy cheeks were almost identical to Jisung's- the feature he loved the most from his younger soulmate.

His lips formed a soft smile, remembering the male for a moment. 

"Yeah... he does look like Jisung honestly" Changbin chuckled in agreement and now, the poor creature was wondering why these two humans were staring at its face as if it was the cutest thing they saw.

It stayed there, looking at the two of you for a moment before quickly dashing off somewhere else. You pouted a bit when the cute chipmunk ran away. 

Changbin let out a soft chuckle before holding your chin softly once more, turning your head so that your eyes would meet his. "As I was saying... close your eyes baby" He whispered. 

The little pout on your face took less than a second to vanish as you heard his voice, taking you back to the moment before the 'tiny Jisung' had inconveniently interrupted it.

"Go on" Changbin spoke softly, looking into your eyes. You smiled, nodding lightly before closing your eyes.

Changbin's eyes sparkled on seeing you close your eyes, and he stood up, holding your hands. "Stand up, princess" He then instructed and you stood, feeling curious about the 'special place' he was planning to take you. 

"Okay, now, I'll guide you, trust me, alright?" Chanagbin spoke and then paused before speaking again. "I promise I'm not gonna lead you to a cliff and push you off"

You opened your eyes at that. His voice sounded strangely serious, which made your eyes widen as you looked at him, but then you notice him holding in a laugh.

Changbin chuckled, stepping closer to you, and placing his hand on your eyes. "Nah-ah-ah! keep your eyes closed princess" He said in a soft tone once more. 

You let out a soft chuckle before nodding again, closing your eyes shut. Changbin then took his hand off your eyes and gently held your own hands once more, giving them a light squeeze. 

"Alright, now, follow me," He said before starting to take one step after the other. 

You saw nothing. You didn't open your eyes, trusting in your soulmate to lead you into the wild, to a place he had been wanting to take you. You notice the calm sounds of the forest as he leads you; the sound of crickets, the trees ruffling, owls hooting, and a low howl from a distance away. 

The nocturnal kingdom of the forest was ruling over tonight, and they sure were making it a calm, peaceful night for its two visitors as well.

After a while of walking, Changbin finally stops walking. You were about to open your eyes but his voice stopped you. 

"Not yet, princess" He mumbled softly, and you felt him stepping closer to you. You felt one of his hands on your nape, the other on your chin. Changbin seemed to love touching you like this.

"We're not there yet?" You questioned curiously. You had walked for a while and honestly, it'd be surprising if you hadn't reached the destination Chnagbin had in his mind.

You heard your soulmate softly chuckle in response. 

"We are... I just wanted to stare at you" Changbin teased. "Open your eyes," Your soulmate said, his voice sounding more soft once more.

You open your eyes, and the first thing you see were his own. They stared deep into yours, but they had an odd shine to them- as if they were reflecting galaxies of stars. But this isn't a metaphor. His eyes were really reflecting the sky above you, and you noticed that once you looked up curiously.

Your eyes widened. 

A clear sky, a full moon, and at least a million dazzling stars above your head.

The stars greeted you, some twinkling brighter than the others, some confusing you about whether they are rotating in place, and some forming constellations that left you awing. 

You then looked down and notice the ground you stood on.

You two were in a meadow-like area now, the fringes of the forest a few meters behind you. A bed of green grass covered the ground and you saw some forget-me-not flowers growing here and there.

The flowers shined under the silver moonlight, and so did your smile as you looked at Changbin. He didn't need words to know you loved everything you were seeing just now.

"This place... this place is beautiful," You said with a smile, your eyes roaming around the place.

Changbin smiled softly, stepping closer to you, holding your cheeks as he caressed his thumb on your skin. 

" you know what else is beautiful? "  ....

Smut chapter next!!⚠  BTW even though they're gonna go wild, Imma add the romantic essence cause the date is pretty fluffy so far lol

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