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You sat at the dining table and the two males who were closest to you sat on either of your side; Felix and Chan. Jisung and Hyunjin were quick to take the seats that were in front of you while Minho was placing all the plates on the table.

Seungmin and Jeongin walked in a moment later, both of them still looking half asleep. 

Chan turned his head slightly as he sat on his chair, looking at the younger males. 
"Rested well?" The older asked to which the youngest of the two replied with a tiny nod.

Seungmin walked over to Minho, who was taking the plate from the counter to the dining table.

"Need any help?" The younger asked softly, rubbing his sleepy eyes. Minho glanced at the male when he heard the question, a small smile forming on his lips as he reached for the last plate on the counter.

"I got it, thanks love," He said softly, stepping closer to Seungmin, giving the sleepy male a soft peck on the cheek before walking to the dining table, and placing the final plate. 

Seungmin smiled when he received affection from the older. He walked after Minho, flopping down on a chair beside the one Minho took.  

A minute later, Changbin also walked in as well; he was much more awake than the makes although his curly hair was a total mess.

"Hey Changbinnie, you look hot," Hyunjin said on seeing Changbin, making the older male smile cheekily as he walked over to one of the empty seats beside him. 

"Why thank you!" Changbin said, pitching his voice to sound like an 8-year-old before playfully punching Hyunjin's arm. 

Sitting on one side of the table were Chan, You, Felix, Minho, and Seungmin, and on the other side were Jeongin, Jisung, Hyunjin, and Changbin.

You made eye contact with the four of your soulmates who sat in front of you; each of them gave you a soft smile and Jisung reached his hand out to you all of a sudden.

Confused, you gave him your hand and he gently held it. His hands were a bit bigger than yours and they held yours so delicately; as if you were a delicate rose. 

"Just wanted to hold your hand," Jisung said with a little grin, squeezing your hand softly before gently pulling his own away. You smiled at the cute gesture and let out a little chuckle before looking at the plates on the table.

All the food looked amazing and it turned out that it wasn't just their look that was amazing or their aroma, but also thier taste. The flavors felt like a rush; like that one time, you had a drive with Minho through the city and actually enjoyed the danger of it. Swallowing each bite felt like stopping at the red lights that night, surprising you with how good each and every bite tasted. The food they made tasted like a memory of them, connected to them, and that's why you loved it so much.

You let out a sigh of contentment once you finished eating. Felix turned to you, smiling once you finished.

"Ate well?" The blonde asked in a soft tone and you responded with a light nod, smiling back. You then turned to Jisung and Hyunjin who sat in front of you.

"The breakfast was amazing," You say to them and the two boys smiled softly at you. Jisung was still eating; his cheeks stuffed in food. He looked adorable when he smiled and nodded at you.

You then glance at the male who was sitting next to Felix. He had already finished his food and was staring at his soulmates eating as he rested his chin on his hand. Minho loved it when his lovers enjoyed the food he helped make.

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