[ Context 2.0 ]

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This is NOT a chapter! 

But I felt some readers would like more context about soulmates in my story! So this chapter would entirely be about explaining this AU!! Read ahead if you're interested 💗

"Each of us, then, is a 'matching half' of a human whole

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"Each of us, then, is a 'matching half' of a human whole...and each of us is always seeking the half that matches us." 

1. What's a soulmate?

Simple. In this story, it is the person you are destined to be with. He/She would understand you and love you unconditionally. Flaws become reasons to love their partner when they find their other half. The soulmate connection isn't temporary. It goes beyond initial chemistry and "love at first sight." A soulmate is a life partner, willing to fight for your relationship. 

2. How do you know when you meet your soulmate?

(Ya'll probably figured this out already lol) When you start seeing colors, you'd easily know that you met your soulmates. But there's a catch, you must meet and TOUCH your soulmate to see colors. 

3. Life before and after meeting your soulmate?

Dull. The only colors you would know will be black and white. That's what your eyes see. 
And about how your heart feels...? It would feel incomplete. It knows that its other half is missing.

Once you meet them, however, you'd see colors all around you. Everything becomes more vibrant the closer you're around them. As for your heart, it feels complete with its other half. You'd feel safe, happy, and loved.

4. How many Soulmates can one have? 

Usually, it's 1 💀 There's only one significant other for you-
HOWEVER- there are cases of having 2, 3, and even 8 soulmates. But that is very rare.  

Colors are seen based on the number of your soulmates- for example;
You have 2 - half the color seen once you meet your first one, and then your vision completes when you meet your second one.  

5. Can you reject a soulmate?

Sadly, yes. But let's face it, who would want to reject their other half? However, this is possible, since not all soulmates are completely loyal... So to save yourself from facing the consequences of your soulmate's actions, you can reject them. 

Once a soulmate is rejected, they lose their colored vision. Usually, they are not accepted back but if your soulmate miraculously changes their mind, and chooses to be with you again, your vision returns back.

6. Consequences of betrayal

A soulmate's betrayal is fatal for you, especially if you had become intimate with them once. If your soulmate cheats on you, you'd feel a weird pain, based on what they do. For example; If they flirt with one another, you might get a headache. If they kiss someone else, you might feel an overwhelming pain in your chest.

But it's fetal if they become intimate with someone else, in ANY way- [that is having intercourse, in any form] It could even cost you your life :( 

However, these consequences are only faced once you met your soulmate. If your soulmate cheated on you before you met them, it won't affect you. 

7. Can someone have no soulmates?

Yes. They are very rare, and they can be with anyone without having to face any 'soulmate consequences'. (Like us normal ppl out of this AU 😔😭)
They are identified at birth. They would see about half of the colors even as babies.

8. What happens when your soulmate dies? 

Oof- well... when a soulmate dies, you lose most of your vision but not all. You'd be able to see their favorite color. (which is even more heartbreaking tbh 😭) 
The same goes for when you get rejected, you'd see the color or colours they loved the most.

9. Attachment

From the first touch, soulmates become attached to each other. The more they hug, kiss, and see each other, the more they miss each other when they aren't around. The more love they show to each other, the happier and healthier they become.



✔ COLORED | soulmate AU [ fem!reader X skz Ot8 ]Where stories live. Discover now