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 angst ⚠🧍🏻‍♀️

After Seungmin had left, Minho hadn't been to the recording room or to see any of the other boys. 

He was just roaming around the building, knowing that if his lovers couldn't find the two of them, they would probably assume they were somewhere in the building messing around like they always do.

He was on the upper floor, looking up at the sky from a window, watching the stars vanish as dark clouds clustered together.

He stood by the window, watching the sky in awe for a couple of while, when he felt a weird ping in his head. 

He shook his head a bit, thinking it was nothing, but a few seconds later, he felt a sudden headache. It felt like boulders hitting his head. 

Minho felt his chest tighten, finding it hard to breathe, and he fell onto his knees as he pressed one of his hands on the floor while the other clenched his heart, hurting like thorns were wrapping around it.

Nothing ever hurt this much before. 

He didn't know what was going on. 
He had no idea why this was happening.

And he was scared. 

He thought he was dying.

The pain kept increasing, and his head felt like it was pulsating now. He groaned, trying to stand up but found it painstakingly hard to. Once he was finally able to stand up, he used his strength to make his way to the recording room the other boys were in.

He knew the other boys would comfort him. He knew all he needed was his soulmates right now. He wouldn't be so scared if they just held him.

Once reaching the door of the studio room, Minho weakly opened it, almost stumbling onto the floor at the same time.

He lifted himself up in hopes to call for his lovers for their aid, but their condition... was much more severe than he was. 

In the recording room, Hyunjin was screaming Felix's name as he held the passed-out boy, shaking him desperately. Hyunjin could feel a weird pain, and his heart was aching, but he was more focussed on the boy who had passed out after being unable to breathe.

Minho saw Jeongin, Jisung, and Changbin who were around Chan, holding onto him. Chan barely had his eyes opened, and every now and then, they would all flinch as the pain intensifies. 

Jeongin too started to suffocate, and well as Jisung and Minho panicked before using all his strength to scream out for help before rushing to the younger males. 

The older couldn't hold back his tears; seeing his lover in this much pain was killing him. He wanted to take away all the pain they were feeling. He wished if only he was feeling it. He didn't want them hurting, even a bit.

"Innie, I-Innie breathe, please!!!" Minho held the youngest of them, tightly wrapping his arms around him, desperately trying to let the boy know he wasn't alone. Jeongin's breath became less heavy for a moment, the pain subsiding just a little.

He looked up at Minho, eyes teary. "Wh-what is happening?" He asked. 

The younger was so confused. 
A moment ago, they were all smiley, recording a song together like they always do. 

Felix was making everyone laugh in the recording room, talking cutely with his lighter voice. 

But the moment shattered when they all felt a weird pain in their heads and chest, oddly, at the same time. They found their chests tightening, thier hearts aching, and their veins filling with what felt like a poison that was slowly increasing it all.

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