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Felix and Jeongin quickly walked into the room, slightly startling Chan, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, and Jisung, who was in a starfish position on the ground, wearing his puffy jacket. 

The blonde wanted to question why the latter was on the floor but decided to talk about more important things at hand.

"Chan, Jisung, we need to go see Y/N," Felix said, and the two males immediately got up to the mention of their soulmate's name. The blonde then walked over to Chan, placing his hands on the older's shoulder, lightly gripping them.

"Chan... do you remember the time she cried when one of our securities... Channie, Don't you remember how it hurt that day too?...  doesn't it add up to you?" He asked, and Chan immediately remembered the entire scenario. It all made his blood boil.

"Yeah..." He muttered and sighed to calm himself. He remembered it all very clearly. He also remembered a few other occurrences of that night, but his mind stopped at a conversation he had with his soulmate.

He froze, his face turning pale as he looked at Felix.

"Felix... No... If... If.. fuck" The older muttered, running a hand through his hair before turning to Jisung. "Go tell Bin and Minho to get their cars. now" He said, and Jisung nodded without question before making his way out of the door.

The older then turned to Felix, his eyes showing fear and worry. 

"Let's go talk to Seungmin. He has to understand. This makes sense... Fuck I swear I'm gonna kill someone tonight" Chan mumbled before gently grabbing Felix's hand and walking out as well, quickly heading their way to the room Seungmin was in. 

Chan opened the door, quickly stepping in. "Baby we-" He was cut off when he saw the empty room. Felix's eyes also widened slightly and he saw the panic in Chan's eyes.

"Where did he go!? fuck we have to-" Chan turned around in a panic, but Felix stopped him. The older was about to say something, but Felix gently held his cheeks, leaning closer to kiss him on the lips.

Chan froze as the painful pounding in his chest subsided the moment he felt the younger's lip on his. He felt himself calming down. The older gently held the younger's waist, closing his eyes to kiss him back. They let their lips stay connected for a moment before pulling away.

The older let out a soft sigh, looking at Felix's soft eyes. 

He was glad Felix was his soulmate. 

No matter how foggy and dark his mind sometimes got, Felix was always a light he could rely on.

Felix smiled just a little on seeing his lover calmer now. He knew they needed to be calm and think carefully right now. 

"We can just call him... but we need to head to Y/N first. Minnie is probably just taking a walk outside like he does when he gets stressed. He'll be careful Channie" Felix spoke softly, caressing the older's cheeks.

Chan nodded, a soft sigh leaving his lips. He knew Felix was right. Although he did worry about Seungmin, he knew Y/N needed him and the boys more. 

They needed to go see her right now. They didn't want this to be the horrid truth of it all. 

And Chan swore... if it was, he would make sure that whoever had done it would go through a hell far more painful than the real one. 


Seungmin sighed as he walked up the bridge. There were no vehicles passing by at this hour, and he hadn't seen anyone walking around; who would, especially in this cold?

He placed his hands on the railing, looking down at the pitch-black water a few meters below his feet. He then lifted his head up, looking at the sky. He could see some small flakes making thier way to greet the earth.

A small sigh escapes his lips again, and this time a white fog forms at his lips due to the cold. 

It was a new season. A cold, harsh season. 

He was hoping this year would be the warmed winter he'd have, and the moment he met her, he was sure it would be. 

Seungmin shook her head at the thought of the girl again. He just couldn't find himself not thinking about her in every thought. Every time he thought about her, that painful image of betrayal came to his mind, and every time it came to his mind, a little piece of his heart withers. 

Seungmin felt a small snowflake at the tip of his nose and it startled him out of his thoughts. 

He looked at it before reaching his hand out, capturing another snowflake in his palms. 

His eyes softened as he looked at it, his aching heartbeat calming down for a moment.

The snowflake looked pure, soft, fragile... just like her. He sighed as he felt another ping in his heart but he didn't let the flake go. 

He found himself unable to drop it, unable to allow the wind to take it away either. He just watched as the tiny flake slowly melted into his palms and once it did, he found himself tearing up a bit.

His heart and soul yearned for her. 

To hold her. 

To hold his little snowflake. 

To have her melting into his arms once again. Why can't he just bring himself to go see her right now? He was too scared to be hurt all over again, though he still loved her. 

Everything was driving him insane.

Seungmin gently wiped his tear away, looking down at the water once more. He tried to relax once again, calming down his little aching heart once more.

A moment of pure silence followed, and for a short while, Seungmin found himself slowly calming down but a sudden tap on his shoulder startled him, making him flinch.

"You told me to come here, right?" 

Seungmin turned around when he heard the voice, and once he turned, both he and the person who was behind him had the exact same reaction: shocked. 


Before y'all complain about the cliffhanger- I'm writing the next chapter and will probably update within an hour, thank you for putting up with me 💪❣

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