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[ An hour ago.... ]

"No I insist, let me drive you home," Iseul said, making the girl chuckle as they walked to a car parked close to the cafe'. 

"Alright then, but if you're doing this to get any discounts, you're wasting your time, okay?" The girl said before stepping into the car when Iseul opened the door for her.

The male rolled his eyes at her playful response before walking to the other side, opening the door, and stepping into the driver's seat.

Buckling his seatbelt, he momentarily turned to the girl who gave him a small smile before looking ahead at the road. Iseul's lips formed a smile as well as he started the car and drove off.

After a few minutes of driving, he pulled the car to a stop and they both got out. Pan stretched a little before shifting her focus to her house while Iseul walked over to her side. 

The girl turned to him, that soft smile never leaving her lip. "Thanks, again" She mumbled and Iseul chuckled a bit. Pan felt her heartbeat rise, finding his little laugh so adorable.

"You don't need to say that every time, though, you're welcome," Iseul said in response. The scoffed a little, crossing her arms and turning to him, her smile becoming more playful for a moment.

"I have to, you're doing too much for me," She said, pouting. 
Iseul chuckled for a moment, stepping closer to her. 

He stared into her eyes as they faced each other, and the longer he stared, it was getting harder to look away. His heart was speeding up with every second, and every inch of his body wanted him to take another step; so he did.

He took one more step closer to the girl, and then, another. 

Pan's eyes widen just for a moment but he found herself looking into the boy's eyes with curiosity and wonder as he now stood in front of her.

Iseul's expression was of awe, but it quickly changed into one of the softest smiles imaginable as he muttered the words.

"...And I'll do it again" He muttered. He forced all the strength and confidence in his body to gently wrap his arms around her, pulling the girl close to his chest. 

He held her, for the first time, and his heart almost exploded.

Pan let out a soft gasp when she was pulled into his arms. When his hands wrapped around her, it felt like summer melting away winter's frostbite. It felt like the sun greeting the earth after night. 

It was warm. It was comfortable. And it was making her heart panic excitedly. It almost felt like it was the first time she had felt it, but she knew it wasn't, at least, not for her.

Iseul took a deep breath, holding the girl close for a moment. He realized that the girl didn't embrace back, and immediately, he knew he fucked up. 

He was now too scared to even let go of her; what if she hates him now? What if he loses another friend? What if his heart breaks for a second time? He wouldn't be able to take it this time.

The boy was about to loosen his hands from her, but all of a sudden she felt her hands around him as well. She embraced back, and Iseul felt his heart set aflame. 

He felt happy beyond words, and his heart was pounding at that moment. 

Silence filled the air around them, but it was comfortable, and both of them just enjoyed the feeling of holding each other in their embrace for a while.

A few moments pass, and neither of them wanted to let go, but knowing their hearts might explode any moment, they let each other go.

Both of them looked anywhere except at each other. They were both too flustered to make eye contact now.

"G-Good night" Pan mumbled before quickly turning around and walking to her front door. When the girl turned her back, Iseul finally looked at her, smiling with a heated face.

He wanted to say something before the girl walked in. 

Something he wanted to. Something he's been meaning to, do but had never found the courage to.



"I'll see you tomorrow!"

Iseul managed to mumble out, and Pan gave him a quick glance before turning away, nodding. She wasn't able to look at his face right now because of how quick her heartbeat kept getting whenever she glanced at him.

"Y-Yeah... see you," She said before closing the door and Iseul sighed, smiling a bit. 

The girl looked adorable all flustered and it was almost too much for his heart. He knew he was in love now. There was no turning back; though he needed to find a way to confess his feelings; but can he?

He never had experience with romance before; he had never dated a girl either. 

The one time he had confessed was in the middle of a cheesy confession he practiced for days. There was no way he'd do that now. 

"How would a girl want to be confessed?... how would Pan wanna be confessed?" Iseul thought as he turned in his step, getting into the car. He started the engine and drove off, not to his workplace but to a further part of the city. 

He always liked driving like this in the middle of the night. It helped him clear his head, and it helped him think. It helped him relax. 

One question ran in his mind; "How the hell am I going to confess?"

He wasn't able to think of anything, well, at least not anything that's not super cheesy. 

He needed an idea. He needed help from someone who knew Pan. Someone who might have more romantic experiences than him. 

And only one person he knew came to his mind. 

Though, he doubted they would pick up. 


Y'all might wonder, 'How does THIS connect to the previous chapter?!?!" well... read on...

✔ COLORED | soulmate AU [ fem!reader X skz Ot8 ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin