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I experimented with ammonia in class today and now I'm having short breaths- yall pls don't inhale it like I did okay? ;-;


Felix and Jeongin were in the living room, playing video games with each other, letting out small yells when one of their characters almost killed the other.

Hyunjin and Minho were practicing for MC in Music Bank, which they had to pair up as hosts for the autumn shows. 

Chan and Changbin were recording a song along with Seungmin, while Jisung was in a room, sitting at a table, working on his own song. 

All the boys were invested in something and you had literally no idea what to do. Hyunjin and Minho weren't at the dorm, and Chan, Changbin, and Seungmin weren't there either.

 You missed them, of course, but you knew you can't go bother them.

So, you tried to join Felix and Jeongin in the living room. Jeongin was quick to pull you onto his lap and hand you the controller he had when you asked if you could play with them.

"I can finally beat Jeongin's high score!" Felix exclaimed as he pressed start. You and Joengin glanced at him in unison. 

"We'll see about that" You mumbled quietly as the game began. At first, Felix was excited because he was getting way more hits on your character than you could, and you tried harder to focus on the controls.

Jeongin noticed how your fingers tried hard to press some buttons, but couldn't because of the rush.

"Relax angel" He muttered, before holding your hands on the controller while he leaned to you, pressing his chest onto your back. You blushed a little and turned a little to glance at the male.

You then turned your focus back onto the game. Jeongin's fingers guided you to which buttons to press, and now, it was two against one and Felix was too focused to even notice it.

"Wait- wait- Naourr!!" Felix screamed, holding his controller in the air and looking at the large screen of the TV with widened eyes.

"How did you-" He turned and paused when he saw Jeongin's hands on yours. You both smirked at the older and Felix huffed, frowning slightly.

The blonde then placed the controller down and scooted closer to you, holding your chin gently. 

"That wasn't a fair game you know" Felix mumbled while looking at you in the eyes, while you looked back with a small smile.

You shrug a little. "Maybe," You said and Felix scoffed a little before leaning his face closer to yours.

"Since you won..." He mumbled just against your lips before pressing his own onto yours slowly. Your eyes fluttered shut, feeling his strawberry lips collide against yours in a soft kiss. 

He let his lips linger on yours for a few seconds before pulling away. Felix looked at you, and then at your lips. 

Jeongin looked at the two of you with a flustered expression. 

"Hey- I-I- won too" The boy muttered and Felix chuckled a little before looking at the younger. You got up from his lap, allowing him to move closer to Felix to receive his own kiss. 

You watched as your soulmates share a sweet kiss, letting out soft hums as their arms snaked around each other. Felix then pulled away, and you saw how Jeongin leaned in again, kissing the older passionately.

As their kiss turned into a slow makeout, you felt too flustered to watch. You wanted the attention too, but couldn't bring yourself to ask the two who were sharing the heated kiss on the couch. 

Blushing, you turned around and walked to a room, deciding to allow yourself to calm your beating heart and that urge you felt for one of your soulmate's touches.

But apparently, walking into the room only made it worse, as you saw the bathroom door open, and a male who only wore some jeans, and had a towel over his shoulder walked out. 

His hair was damp and slicked back, and his upper body had light water droplets. 

All he did was take a shower and you found him irresistible, which was exactly why you turned around, about to leave. 

You knew if you stayed longer, your mind would only get foggier. You knew you wouldn't be able to stop your needy thoughts. 

But as you hold the doorknob, and attempted to close the door, a hand presses on the door, preventing you from opening it. 

You looked at his hand that held the door closed, and traveled your eyes on his arms, all the way to his face as you turned around with a flustered expression. 

"Hm? Why are you leaving baby?" Jisung asked, taking the towel off his shoulder and throwing it onto the bed before pressing his other hand on the door in a way in which he now had you trapped.

"I-I-" You were too flustered to reply back. This was the first time you saw him completely shirtless. And this was definitely the first time seeing him like this, so close to you.

"Hm?" Jisung tilted his head a little, slowly stepping closer to you. You blushed when he slightly pressed his body against yours.

"Y/n.. you're so flustered..." He mumbled softly as he gently held both of your cheeks, lifting your chin so your eyes could meet. 

"Oh, I wonder why.." Jisung smirked slightly before his eyes traveled from your eyes to your lips. 


 😳😳😳 warning you abt the next chapter yall- sMuT ahEaD 🧍🏻‍♀️⚠

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