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You lay in bed, unable to drift to sleep. Though your body was tired, your mind felt restless. It ran between thoughts and worry seemed to be what was dominating your sleep.

You shifted on your bed, taking one of your soft pillows and hugging it, bringing yourself more comfort in hopes of falling asleep, but found it useless as that one single circulating thought kept preventing you from resting.

"Where are my parents?" 

They should've been here by now. 

They said they would come yesterday, and now another day was ending.

It was now almost past midnight.

Should you call the police? should you report them missing? Should you alert the authorities? Maybe then you would feel some sort of relief knowing someone else is also concerned about where your parents might be.

You sighed, sitting up properly on the bed. You turned your head to the bedside table and picked up your phone which you had kept there. 

You had made up your mind now. You were going to report them missing. You were too worried not to.

But as you swipe your finger across the lock screen, unlocking your phone, what you see shocked you. Your eyes widen slightly and you pressed it immediately.

It was a notification from an unknown number. But it didn't take you long to realize who it was.

' Hi, honey, this is mom! 
I'm sorry we haven't texted or anything, but just letting you know that we are staying another week here since we made a great deal!!
I hope you weren't too worried! please save this number okay? We'll text you when we can '

Relief washed over you as you read the texts. You probably didn't hear the sound of the notification because you were so deep in thought earlier. 

You weren't really expecting them to text you out of the blue like that but you were more than relieved to see those messages. 

You were worried for nothing. Your parents were in fact, just busy abroad, and now, it was confirmed. 

You felt like you could finally sleep peacefully tonight. Smiling a bit, you place the phone back on the bedside table before laying back on the bed. 

The comfort of your bed seemed welcoming but nowhere near as how it felt in one of your soulmate's arms. It was nowhere near Bangchan's soft embrace. It didn't make you feel protected like how it did when Changbin held you. It wasn't the same without Felix gently running his fingers through your hair. It wasn't anywhere close to the comfort that Hyunjin cuddles brought you.

Now, worry had left your mind and what filled in their place were memories of your lovers. The way they looked at you. The way they touched you, hugged you, reassured you. 

You missed them and wished you were with them, or that they were with you.

You wanted to hold them or be held by them. 

With a sigh, you closed your eyes, this time determined to not open them before daybreak. Slowly and surely, your body gave in to the tiredness, and you felt yourself finally drifting into your world of dreams.


"I said I am fine! I wanna go see her" Seungmin pouted, crossing his arms at the older males who gave him worried looks. The younger's fever seemed to subside, but they saw how tired their soulmate looked.

"Minnie, we think you should rest" The youngest of them all spoke up, standing up from the couch and walking over to the pouting boy who grumpily stood in front of them.

"I've rested enough, It's a free day for me, I really wanna go" Seungmin pouted and Jeongin smiled a bit as he cupped the older's cheeks with his big hands. 

Seungmin felt himself leaning into the touch like he always did. It was so comforting. 

He looked at the younger male, his pettiness fading away almost entirely as they make eye contact. 

"We know.... but please, your health is more important, we're gonna worry," Jeongin said, softly caressing his thumb over the older's cheeks as he held them delicately. Seungmin's eyes softened as they noticed the caring look in his soulmate's eyes. 

The older sighed, nodding a little. 

"Alright," He said, finally agreeing to rest more.

He knew his soulmates cared about him, and they didn't deserve to get worried. So he would rather just listen to them instead.

"Though... if you've rested enough by the end of today..." Chan then spoke, causing the other seven boys in the room to look at him. "We can all go give her a visit this evening, how'd that sound?" Chan suggested. The older received happy looks from the boys and a beaming one from Seungmin.

Chan couldn't help but chuckle seeing how eager Seungmin suddenly became to just lay down and rest. The rest of the boys chuckled too, finding him adorable, and finding another reason to fall in love with him all over again.


I realized that if Y/n didn't exist, Seungmin would take her place in this story now 💀✋✋

Can't blame him though- he's gorgeous

Can't blame him though- he's gorgeous

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✔ COLORED | soulmate AU [ fem!reader X skz Ot8 ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin