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Iseul sighed when the officer walked away. He glanced at the ward door and pondered about whether he should go see your condition or not. He really wanted to see if you were okay. He really wanted to comfort you as a friend would.

But something in him was eating him up alive.


If only he wasn't so selfish. If only he wasn't so greedy for something that was never his. 

If only he came sooner that night. Could he, when he was at least 20 minutes away from the neighborhood? 

If only had never accepted Kyle's offer in the first place and never even thought of that stupid 'plan'. He hated himself for even accepting it, even if he didn't know what the older would actually do.

If only he didn't fall in love. If only he didn't want something that was never meant for him. If only he hadn't been so selfish. 

All this chaos, all this madness, could've been avoided.

It was his fault. Atleast, that's what he believed. 

Maybe he wasn't given a soulmate for a reason. 

Maybe he was just never meant to feel loved. 

Because when he had tried to find a way to feel it, he had hurt people. People who didn't want to hurt, but just show that he loved them.

Iseul sighed, wiping his eyes which he didn't even know became teary. He let out a shaky breath before turning to the door, and stepped close, pushing it open before walking in slowly.

Guilt ate him up at your sight, but he wanted to at least be there for you now, help you through this, help you heal, help you and your lovers find your happily ever after that he way not ever have with anyone. 

Your gaze shifted from the girls to the door when the male walked in. Immediately, your body tensed a bit and you gripped Yuqi's hand which was holding yours. 

When you saw Iseul, you felt a mixture of emotions; anger, confusion, sadness, betrayal. Everything.

He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. 

"You...-" You started but then looked at the three girls in the room. Was it really going to be worth calling Iseul out for his alliance with Kyle in the past, in front of Yuqi and Pan? The girls did tell you that he was the one who had called them, the hospital, and even the police.


Maybe not.

You looked at the three girls with a soft expression. "Could you guys give me a minute with Iseul?.." You asked and the three looked at each other before nodding and standing up.

The girls walked past Iseul, Pan giving the male a soft look and a gentle smile before walking out with the other two. For a moment, Iseul's heart didn't feel as heavy.

Once the girl was out, he walked over to sit on the chair beside your bed that Yuqi had sat on.

You glanced at him once he sat down, but you didn't make eye contact with him.

"Iseul..." You started, and the boy looked at you, listening to your words intently. He knew you were about to say something that would probably tear him apart in guilt. 

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