Beth collapsed back onto the chair, "I'm exhausted," she yawned.

"Me too," Lisa raised her hand. 

Kim looked to her watch, "I should probably get going, early morning tomorrow."

"But we have a few days off," Hunter suddenly spoke, her voice had a strange ring to it. 

"Jen and I are going brunch," Kim explained why she couldn't stay out too late. 

Hunter nodded, "Okay well night everyone."

It was a slightly strange conclusion to the night because not everyone was ready to leave but that was our queue. 
Everyone got up, saying a big goodbye to Nana and every one of us hugging her; she seemed to be a core part of the Arsenal family. Then most people left after Nana had gone up to bed. 

I went and stood by Hunter as Jordan and Leah were leaving; they had a lunch booked so decided to stay together at Jordan's. 

"You sure you're okay with it?" Leah asked Hunter, I had no clue what about though.

Hunter nodded, though I saw a different story in her eyes, "I'm happy for you guys."

"You promise?" Leah raised her eyebrows.

"Yes!" Hunter seemed tired of answering the same thing over and over, "I'm so happy for you two so go home and I'll see you soon."

"Okay, thankyou," Leah pulled Hunter into a tight hug, though I saw worry in her eyes, she wasn't certain about Hunters answer but I was; I knew it was a lie.

Jordan then brought Hunter into a hug, "Thanks for a great night Hunts."

"Thanks for being on the same level as me," the brunette laughed.

The two of them left and then it was just Hunter and I left standing in the hallway. Hunter was still facing the door, almost as if she was missing the people who'd just left, hoping that if she stared at the door, they might return. 

"Hunts," I began.

Hunter cut me off, "Can you stay Jill?" She asked, her voice shaky. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, so confused as to what had happened, "Of course," I immediately answered, pulling her into a hug, "What happened?"

Hunter began to sob into my chest then she begun to shake her head, pulling her body from my arms, "You should go," She told me. 

I was confused; one second she asked me to stay and the next to leave. "What?"

Hunter continued shaking her head, "It's not fair for you to deal with my problems Jill, you should go home and I'll see you tomorrow."

I furrowed my eyebrows, hating being pushed away, "I don't have to deal with your problems but I'm always going to be here for you."

Hunter looked up at me, a tear rolling down her cheek and eyes of glass, "But that's not fair."

It hurt to see her like this, especially when I didn't know why, "It's not fair for you to go through it alone."

Hunter didn't reply, she just looked to the floor. 

"I'm staying," I told her, "I'm here. I'm here for you."

Hunter sniffed, "You're too good to me."

I shook my head, gently pulling her into a hug again, running my fingers through her hair, "No, I just care."

For a few minutes we stood there in the silence, every scenario possible running through my mind until Hunter spoke up again, "This is lovely and all but my foot hurts to stand for so long."

"Oh of course," I practically jumped, "You go upstairs and I'll make us a hot drink, yeah?"

Hunter nodded, "Thankyou Jill."

I shook my head, "Nothing to thank me for."

Hunter looked as if she wanted to argue against my point but was far too exhausted, she hobbled up the stairs and I was left standing in the hallway with a million questions again. Why did this girl always leave me with so many questions?

Though to answer one of them, I walked back into the lounge, looking to find that glass of coke. I picked up Hunter's drink, taking a sip and my fear being proven correct. Vodka. A very, very strong vodka coke to the point my entire face scrunched up; god knows how Hunter drunk it all night with a straight face.

The drink worried me, I don't know why, but it worried me. Something felt unnatural about it, hidden away and a secret. Maybe it was hidden just cause alcohol wasn't technically allowed at team game nights, but something felt sinister.



ok so you guys get to decide this (two options...)

so in order for the next part of the plot to come, I need to do something (not involving their relationship don't worry) but would you rather I string it out and make some (rather useless) chapters or get straight to the point.

I think straight to the point would be better but I don't want to overload the stuff that's happening. 

also I'll probably listen to the first few who reply because I kind of want to write it tonight

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