I Had Two Options

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Hunter's POV

I'd always been someone who felt completely disoriented when they woke up and the pain medication didn't do me any favors. So I woke up with two surprises in the morning; one much more calming than the other.
The less welcomed surprise was the stupidly large boot on my foot and the slight pain returning to my ankle, I'd been warned that the next few weeks would be a challenge. Both mentally and physically I assumed.
Though, if I had her by my side, somehow I doubted that. As I lie there, in Jill's arms, I couldn't imagine anything being difficult because what could pull me down from this place of almost otherworldly, ethereal peace.

I knew I was safe and that fact meant a lot. It was more of a feeling though than logic, because realistically, I was always safe but I never felt it. Though as Jill held my so softly close, I felt like nothing in the world could ever touch me again. 

For once, the world didn't need to be loud so my thoughts would drown into the background, I was happy to live in the silence and treasure every passing second, only wishing that I could slow them down just to make the most of this time. I don't think I'd ever grow bored of laying here, that's why I didn't wake Jill; I didn't even consider it for a second. 

It wasn't long until I heard Jill's breathing become shallower, I assumed she'd woken up so I lifted my head ever so slightly, smiling at her, "Morning Jilly."

Jill rubbed her eyes, her face brightening once she saw me, "Hi," even her words sounded smiley and sunny, I didn't know it was possible.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I offered, knowing I needed to get up for my meeting at Arsenal.

Jill nodded, her eyes never leaving mine once, "That sounds nice."

It was such an effort to get out of bed, one I hated when it had been so comfortable, but I knew it was what needed to be done. Soon as I stood up, I suddenly remembered my boot, picking up my foot and standing stupidly like some sort of flamingo.

Jill panicked, "Don't put pressure on your ankle! That's what the doctors said."

"I know but where are my crutches?"

Jill crouched down, looking for my crutches until she came to the conclusion that we must have left them downstairs, "I can go and get them," She offered.

I shook my head, "The piggyback seemed safe enough last night."

"Huh," Jill smiled, positioning her hands on her hips, "So you do trust me."

I rolled my eyes, "I thought we came to this conclusion last night."

Jill walked closer me, towering over me slightly, "It's good to know that it wasn't just the medication they gave you."

I scoffed, "It honestly might be less painful to walk than listen to you."

"Don't you dare," Jill furrowed her eyebrows, "Come on."

With some teasing hesitation, I eventually hopped onto Jill's back and wrapped my arms tightly around her shoulders as she carried me downstairs. We found my crutches at the bottom of the stair case.

"There you go," Jill rested me down gently, passing the crutches to me.

I'd already forgotten what an annoyance crutches were, "Breakfast time," I huffed.

As I walked into the kitchen, I saw Nana sitting at the island, clearly so focused on her crossword puzzles that she didn't see us.

"Nana!" I called, trying to gain her attention. 

Nana yelled out, in a little shock, "Why are you home?" She asked and then saw my crutches, "Qué te pasó? (what happened to you?)"

"I got injured last match, didn't you see?" I was conscious to talk in English so Jill didn't feel left out, "I'll be fine, they think I should be back for the World Cup."

Nana shook her head, "Go sit down, I don't want you walking around," she instructed, overly worried and protective as always, "I will make breakfast for you and.." Nana trailed off as she looked Jill up and down. 

"This is Jill, Nana," I smiled, trying to ease this conversation into something less stressful.

Nana darted her head over to me, "La chica nueva? (the new girl?)"

I nodded, "Come sit Jill," I tried to pull Jill from Nana's widened eyes, as she sat next to me at the island. 

"How's your sister after the match?" Nana asked. 

"Probably looking a lot better than me," I scoffed.

Nana shook her head, looking to Jill and acting as if I didn't exist, "good luck with this one."

Jill chuckled, she didn't seem uncomfortable somehow, "She's alright."

"Hm," Nana seemed to disagree, "What would you like for breakfast?"

Nana ended up making us pancakes and then taking Leah's dog, Bella, for a walk as she'd promised to look after her.

"She's gone," I sighed after hearing the door slam, rather thankful for Nana to leave us in peace.

"Your nan seems nice," Jill reasoned, very rarely ever having a bad word to say about anyone.

"She is, just ridiculously nosy," I laughed. 

Jill looked at her phone, scrolling through the messages, "The Arsenal group chat is blowing up."

I hummed, rather unbothered, "About anything interesting?"

"Just Lisa's birthday dinner at the end of this week," Jill explained.

"The one which I will not be going to," I stated, raising my eyebrows.

Jill seemed confused, "Did she tell you not to?"

"Oh, no," I assured her, "I just wonder why I'd want to be anywhere near them in my free time."

I realized that I had two options in moving forward with the Arsenal girls.
I could either beg like a puppy dog for their love, going against everything I'd ever learnt, and hope one day they'd love me, like I loved them. That option was purely pathetic.
Or I could become the stone hearted, cold and crazy bitch they'd made me out to be. I'd walk around continuing to do whatever I pleased and maybe one day if they pleaded for a second chance, I'd consider it. Though right now, I wasn't willing to even think about opening my heart back up to most of them, not when I'd learnt how much they could hurt me.

Jill lightly nodded, looking back to the table, I could see she hated conflict, "I understand that. Do you want me to drop out?"

I immediately shook her head, Jill had only recently joined the club and I'd hate for her to be cast out because of me, "No, don't you dare! Plus you've got friends in the team like Viv and Danielle who you've known for years."

"That's true," Jill agreed. 

Eventually we finished breakfast and it was time for Jill's training and my meeting and first physiotherapy session at the Arsenal facilities. We had to get a cab, seeing as I couldn't exactly drive and Jill's car was at her place.
As we walked into the building, it felt strange. It wasn't the same home which I'd once loved. I still had this love for Arsenal and being a part of the club, but right now being a part of this team felt off. Though, I guessed I wouldn't be part of the official team for a while considering my injury. 

"Do you know where you need to go?" Jill checked. 

"Yeah, I think near the gym," I replied, struggling to juggle my bags and crutches.

"Here, let me," Jill quickly took my bags for me, "I'll walk you."

"You sure?" 

"I'm going to the gym anyway so it's in the same direction," Jill smiled. 

Even if being back at Arsenal felt slightly uncomfortable, almost like wearing jeans that didn't quite fit right, Jill still made me feel at home. I'd see her smile and it's like the waves would settle and the ocean was now still. I'd never felt that serenity before, when someone else somehow has the ability to make everything okay. 


what's everyone's opinions on the story and relationship so far?

give me all the details.. I love to hear them haha

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